༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 68༒

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"Do you wanna take a shower?", Koko asked as he hung his coat on the coatrack. 

Turning back towards you, he noticed you just standing there. Just standing and staring ahead. Your expression wasn't void. That was at least something, that brought him a bit of peace in his mind, as it meant you weren't completely out of it and not a lost cause yet. 

Though your expression wasn't neutral nor happy either, you had a slight frown on your face, it looked rather... sad. 


He could tell so much. 

With a sigh he walked towards you. Placing carefully a hand on your lower back, he guided you inside his penthouse apartment. He took the privilege to take your coat off, hanging it next to his before he crouched down to take your shoes off. As soon as he was finished, he put his hand on your lower back once more, guiding you towards his bathroom. 

He figured, you would need a bath first and on another note.. a relaxing long bath usually brings him a peace of mind. It might do the trick for you too. That's at least something he was hoping for.

Calling out to his housemaid, he ordered her to prepare clothes for you and let in a warm bubbly bath. She immediately ran to work, preparing the bath before she disappeared to fetch some clothes for you that would fit. 

In the meantime, he slowly undressed you from Sanzus shirt. Noticing that you were completely naked underneath it. He slightly cursed under his breath. He didn't thought that you would be absolutely nude underneath it, making him question, what the fuck had happened at Sanzus apartment. His eyes tried to find yours, asking the question that was bugging him since he heard you were at Sanzus, "what did Sanzu do to you?"

You instantly avoided his gaze, staying silent as you didn't really want to answer the question. Your thoughts drifting to the Pink Haired Male and his crazy grin above you as Ran was grinning behind you. 

Koko gulped, hesitating when he asked, "did he... did he force you?", making you freeze, ripping you out of your thoughts. 

Thinking about it... Did he force you? Well technically no, after all you let him and you enjoyed it but did you ever agree in the first place? 

Well... also no. 

You let your mind drift for a while when Koko snapped you back once more, calling out to you. 

Shaking your head, you uttered out a small ,"no.." Truth to be told, you were still pretty unsure about the whole thing but on a another note, you didn't want any more necessary drama than there was already happening around you. You really didn't want to set anyone off at this point anymore. And it was easier to just let them do anything they want as they pleased to get faster out of the Situation you got yourself into. 

Koko sighed in, somewhat, relief.. Your hesitation to answer was still bugging him and making him unsure and on top of that, he still wasn't too pleased with the whole, you being at Sanzus after all the stress and drama with Mogambo but still, he thought it would be better to let the topic be. 

Hoping that you would come to him at some point and tell him the whole thing. The whole truth. 

For now, he would accept the answer that Sanzu didn't force himself onto you in anyway. Even though he knew deep down that this was some sort of bullshit. He knew Sanzu all too well. 

"Alright..", he said before walking towards the bathtub and testing the temperature of the water.

Ushering you towards the bathtub, he helped you inside, letting you sink down and get comfortable in the tub. Letting the warmth of the water engulf you, hugging you in a comforting matter. You let out a satisfied sigh, feeling your muscles relax as you sunk further down the tub, covering half your face with the water. Closing your eyes.

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