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"I'm craving.. Burgers!", you whined. 

Haruka and you were on the way back to the HQ. After reporting everything to Mikey, he said it was enough for now and told you to retreat back to the HQ. 

"Always so whiny", "and you always complain", you said, rolling your eyes at Haruka. "I have plenty of reasons to complain-", "and I have plenty of reasons to whine, so~", you said, in a matter of fact voice, emitting a groan from Haruka, "gosh you're annoying", "that's why I fucked your Bitch-", "I don't even have a bitch!", "Cause you're a L.O.S.E.R, what does it spell? Loser", you said in a sing-song voice. 

"I'm about to stop the car and leave you to walk", "that's fine by me. The weather is nice. I wouldn't mind", you said, grinning at him. 

He was really done with you for today. You were a little too hyper today, something he couldn't even blame anyone for as you just simply didn't get enough sleep. 

There was two types of people when sleep deprived. 

The ones who could fall asleep any second and have no energy what so ever. 

The second type were the one who seemed high, talk a lot of shit and basically have their 5 minutes, hours long. 

You, unfortunately, were the second type. 

Talking nonsense since the moment he woke up, jumping around like a 5 year old child before getting quiet again, almost making it seem like you fell asleep with eyes wide open. Too tired to talk. Before you started to get too loud for your own good again. Jumping, sprinting around, doing grimaces and weird poses. 

The worst? 

Your constant whining. You were like a child on the loose or on a fucking sugar rush or both. Probably both. Yeah. 

He sighed in relief when he realized you two were almost at the HQ. He almost wanted to praise the lords for the rather fast car ride but he didn't cause he was still dealing with a sleep deprived you. 

"Look, we're almost at the HQ, you can annoy the others in a bit", "wow!", you suddenly exclaimed, making Haruka look at you for a split second. "What?", "we're hardly finished and you already push me off to the others", you said in a fake hurt voice. Pretending to wipe a tear away, you heard him groan. Rolling his eyes at you, making you instantly laugh, "You're so~ goddamn dramatic!", he exclaimed. 

As soon as he reached the HQ, he parked the car and went out, you following behind and entering the building. Not even a minute in, Haruka yelled, "come get y'alls fucking child. I'm done babysitting", earning himself a punch, to the gut, from you. You pouted at him and mumbled, "meanie", before you heard footsteps walking towards your direction.  

It was a tense and awkward atmosphere as you locked eyes with Sanzu. 

Your last conversation with him wasn't all too nice from your side. But despite that, the job was done and that was all that counted, right? 

You greeted him and the others but all you got was a stoic nod from him, Kakucho speaking up, "Mikeys waiting for the reports", and with that you and Haruka were left alone again.

You leaned slightly towards Haruka, "do you think they're mad?" "Well, it doesn't seem like they're all too happy", he shrugged before walking down the hallway towards Mikeys office. 

You let out a sigh, following Haruka by foot, entering Mikeys office. 

"you two did a good job and we managed to stop the info flow since you took care of the traitors. Though I will close an eye on the decision of keeping one of them alive and letting him free, (L/N). Next time you'll have to deal with the consequences", Mikey threatened. His voice monotone and his eyes void, like usual. 

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