༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 116༒

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Walking into the HQ was quite the funny experience as the executives stood there and watched you in shock. 

Akashi choked on his cigarette, while Mochi choked on his coffee. Rindou and Koko looking at you in utter shock, the hair color throwing them completely off. Sanzu a bit pissed cause you didn't look like his 'little Angel' anymore. Though Ran, despite the drastic hair change, noticed another major thing, "who's clothes are those?!" 

Right.. Inui had borrowed you his clothes as you came to him in a dress from Hanmas 'Date'. The only thing, Haruka had brought you sneakers so you wouldn't have to run around in heels with Inuis clothes. 

You could feel their stares, burning through the clothes as jealousy emitted from them. 

But, all you could do was give them a genuine smile, something they haven't seen in what felt like, forever. 

 "my boyfriends.. he let me borrow them", you said, before you heard a scoff behind you. "Is that where you went to yesterday after just walking away?", Hanma asked, a grin on his face, yet it was not inviting. He was pissed, so much you could tell. 

"Boyfriend?", Sanzu asked in disbelief, his eyes holding a crazy glimmer, "when did Angel found the time to meet new people? Do we have to remind you of a simple fact? You're our hostage.  I'll find that boyfriend of yours, kill him and then I'll put you back into your place." 

You looked at him, steadily watching his moves as you simply shrugged your shoulders, "you know... I often find myself contemplating.. if punching you in the face.. would be worth losing my job..", you said, waving your hands around at the word 'job', "most days the answer is yes. It would be... cause I don't care!" You simply looked at him as Sanzu looked back at you, scoffing before he laughed in disbelief. 

"Bold words for a bitch that was butt hurt", Hanma chimed in, walking past you, though he stopped when you said, "bold words for someone who's in stabbing range", "I see you and your little jokes are back", Hanma said, turning around to look at you.

"There's nothing to joke with you about when you're literally unfunny", you said in a matter of fact voice. Hanma, to say the least, was offended. A subordinate walked in on the little fiasco, bringing all of your attention towards him, "Mikey has a new order! Sanzu, (L/N) and Rindou are in charge for the mission", he said, bowing before leaving again. 

Sanzu scoffed, "great..", "you think I'm happy, you're incompetent", you said making him look at you with murderous intent, "I'm Incompetent?! I don't wanna work with a crybaby, that gets petty and offended at every fucking thing!", "Oh? Is that so? I just love those two-faced split personality type of people, they're great to work with.. said no one, Fucking ever!", you spat back. 

"Ha! Shut the fuck up, Bitch! Where am I two faced?!", "It started with the fact that you can't say shit to my face? You got a problem with me and can't say it to my face? Then shut the fuck up!" 

"You just walked away like a little bitch! And now I'm the asshole?! You got busy with Hanma and your little boyfriend but we're here at fault?!", you looked at him in disbelief. Absolutely disgusted from the way Sanzu tried to manipulate you into thinking you're at fault. 

"Sanzu! I will Never Apologize for the way I Reacted to how You and the Others had me Fucked up!" 

With that you turned around and left, not wanting to discuss the matter further. Annoyed from the way they made it seem like you were at fault, once again. 

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