༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 21༒

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You were kinda annoyed, not even kinda... very... very annoyed as you sat in your living room.

Your matching joggers set long gone as they had blood stains on them, sitting now in just underwear and an oversized t-shirt you had from this morning, cross legged on the couch.

The dude that broke in, in front of you with Sanzu next to him, a grin plastered on his face.

A gun in one hand, pointed towards the intruder, pills in his other, playing with them around. Kakucho sitting to your right, Ran to your left with a hand on your thigh while his head was propped up on his free hand. His elbow propped up on his leg that was thrown over his other leg.

Rindou was next to him, leaning lazily against the couch arm.

Koko was eyeing you from the corner of the room next to Akashi, who smoked a cigarette. Mochi stood next to Mikey, who was sitting on a dresser, eating something from your kitchen.

"Who the fuck are you?", Ran asked, his thumb softly caressing your thigh. Feeling the warmth and softness of your skin underneath his fingertips. The warmth he almost thought he would loose just a few moments ago. He could feel how tense you were under his touch.

Your face stoic, yet the hard look in your eyes and the rather silent heavy breathing, paired with a rather shaky leg, was all he needed to know about your state of mind right now.

You didn't know if you should be pissed off, enraged, feel any ounce of sympathy or whatever emotion there was out there. Your mind messy.

The others quickly noting your state as well.

He hadn't seen you like this yet. None of them have and it was quite surprising as it seemed like you were always rather composed and happy. Turning everything more or less into a joke. Even when you were kidnapped or chased down by them, it seemed like you were always looking at everything with a light heart.

But this.. this was a new sight to see. The dude coughed as Sanzu strikes the back of the gun against him since he didn't spoke, "we asked you a question!", Sanzu said.

The dude just shook his head. 

It had been going on, like this, for at least 30 minutes now. It was getting on your nerves. They told you that the deal went well, with the other criminal organization, so who the fuck was this person. 

You honestly had enough. Slapping Rans hand away and abruptly standing up, you stalked towards him, your fist connecting with his nose, another crack ringing in the room. Gripping his hair, he yelped, lifting your fist again. 

"My my, Angel, calm down!", Sanzu laughed but instantly went silent and wide eyed when your eyes met his. A shiver running down his spine as the look in your eyes, was not even seen once in Mikeys eyes before. 

You crouched down, "You either tell me, who the fuck your are or imma start ripping your dick off, feed it to you while i start to cut your head off and hang it up in the monkey zoo. Did you know that monkeys can be horny fucks as well? A hole is a hole, right?!", you whispered, only for him to hear as your eyes bored into the one of the intruder.

He started trembling even more in fear. 

If he was being honest, you were scaring him more than the Bonten Executives in the room staring you both down, right now. Sanzu eyed you two, "what are you whispering about, Angel?", "nothing", you shortly replied, standing up again as you let the guys hair go. He was shaking, tears started to well up in his eyes as he bowed down, apologizing over and over again. 

Taken aback, you raised your brow. A little shocked from his behavior.

"huh?! W-what are you-", "I didn't had a choice", he cried out, his forehead down on the floor. The tears staining your carpet as he was sobbing his heart out. "I..I just did what they told me to.. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry.. I can't take it.. I just... I just want my daughter back...", the man in front of you.. the father in front of you, completely broken and desperate, cried out. 

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