༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 47༒

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After the Bonten Meeting you were pretty drained. 

You hated meetings, remembering that one time Nami told you to go as a replacement for her, as she couldn't attend a meeting herself, you almost fell asleep, it was horrible. Sanzu noticed you slightly drifting off to dreamland as soon as Mikey left. 

Mikey kept ignoring your presence, as if you weren't worthy enough to be acknowledged. 

To be honest, Mikey wasn't pleased to see your face. He was suspicious of the fact that you were a little too eager to start 'working' despite what had happened. Ran didn't tell anyone about it but did told Mikey, since Mikey was his boss and he demanded to know what happened that you completely shut off. 

Ran almost got himself killed if it wasn't for Kakucho coming in and telling Mikey you wanted to 'work' or rather, were ready to work. 

He decided to keep an eye on you. You on the other hand was a little pissed that he talked about you as if you weren't present. At some point Sanzu had to grab that back of your neck cause he could sense you were about to do stupid shit, holding you back like a dog. 

Koko kept caressing your thigh at the meantime, noticing how tense you were. 

And now you were just plain tired, leaning your head against sanzus shoulder he fully wrapped his arm around your shoulders, the palm of his hand resting on your forehead while he intertwined his free hand with yours. Weird soft moment for someone who wants to fuck around with you mentality and physically but who were you to judge. 

You closed your eyes, momentarily falling asleep when Ran suddenly brought you out of your one second slumber. 

Slightly jumping when his voice rung out to you. "Can I talk you alone for a minute?", Rindou perked up upon hearing his brother while he was talking to Kakucho. His gaze shifting towards you, trying to sense any discomfort, he would accompany you to the talk with Ran. After all he, besides Mikey, was the only one who knew what happened.

You yawned slightly and blinked your eyes before standing up and wrapping your arms around Rans left arm. Leaning onto him for support as you were very very fucking tired. He tensed up a bit, not sure how he should react before clearing his throat, putting his free hand in his suit pocket and walking towards a secluded area in the HQ. 

You shuffled next to him when he stopped and softly removed your arms from his, turning to you. 

Rubbing the back of his neck, he let out a soft apology flow out of his mouth. "I apologize for hurting you. I should've stopped when you told me the first time, I was just so...", "... jealous?", you softly replied, looking into his eyes as his were looking everywhere else but you. 

Cupping his cheeks you gently focused his gaze towards yours, kissing the side of his lips, "apology accepted! Though you're not fully forgiven yet", you smiled, your noses almost touching. He hesitated for a moment before closing his eyes, enjoying the warmth your hands gave him. 

The softness of your hands giving him a sense of comfort, a reality check that he indeed fell for you. 

"I'll do anything.. to gain your full forgiveness. If you give me the chance to!", he said, his eyes locking with yours. 

You studied his eyes, seeing only sincerity in them. Another man you had in the palm of your hands now. Giving him a genuine smile you nodded your head, "prove me that you're worthy of my forgiveness!", you chuckled. "I'll prove it to you! Don't worry!"

"You alright?", Rindou approached you, eyeing his brother who walked past you two and towards Akashi. "Mmh, he apologized. It's fine!", you replied to him, "I'm impressed, he never apologized for anything before", he said, as he kept eyeing his Brother. 

You chuckled, "I guess I have that sorta effect", "did you forgive him?", "partially", "Why so easily?..", "for myself!", you smiled before cutting the conversation short by walking away leaving Rindou in confusion behind. 

Making your way towards Sanzu, cause your very first job for Bonten included the second in command, Sanzu. The Loyal Mad Dog as Koko called out. It was a job that purely involved you and him. Kinda strange but you didn't mind. If he was such a 'mad dog' it meant less work for you as you just had to look pretty next to him. 

But for real, that was the job, 'accompany Sanzu to a gang meeting with another top executive, look presentable'. 


"Sanzu?", you called out to the scarred man, he turned to you nodding his head before you both went out. The others looked at you two a bit off, not expecting you two to wordlessly cooperate and go out without further discussions. 

"Do you think this will work out?", Kakucho asked, a bit of worry laced his tone. "I mean.. the worst that can happen is that they kill each other right?", Akashi replied, taking a puff out of his cigarette. 

"Do you really think they're gonna cooperate with each other? Every time they see each other they're at each other's throats. I'm surprised they were calm throughout the whole meeting today, even though Sanzu did grab her aggressively by the neck at some point", Koko sighed. "If Mikey trusts them both to this extend, who are we to say anything. Maybe he wants them to bond", Mochi chuckled. 

Kakucho looked a bit wary but Mochi was right, maybe it was supposed to be some 'bonding' time so you two could get along in some way...

"Where are we going first?", you asked Sanzu. 

You were currently in the passenger seat, while he was driving. "We're gonna get you a presentable outfit for the meeting. A weapon for protection, in case something goes wrong. Gotta get you all ready and then we're gonna be on our way to the meeting with the top executive."

"Oh damn, it's tonight? I thought it was gonna be tomorrow", "tomorrow is the second meeting with the top executive if today's meeting goes well!", "aaaah, okay okay, that makes sense. I misunderstood it then", 

"Alright, let's go. First stop, shopping mall!"

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