༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 30༒

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Kakucho was completely silent over the whole car ride. You weren't uncomfortable though, the opposite actually, you were rather happy that Kakucho wasn't talking. 

It wasn't like you didn't like him or anything. You did feel somewhat comfortable around him and he let you talk to Nat but you still were rather cautious around him as he was still a Member of Bonten and the no. 3 on top of that. 

While you looked out the window, Bub in your lap sleeping, you eyed his side profile. 

He was definitely very handsome. A handsome man that had a sort of kindness to him yet was cold as well. You would be lying if you said that this wasn't your type. Cold but soft to you, shit like this made your knees buckle. 

Kakucho stopped at a red light and sighed, "how long are you gonna stare at me?", you let out a snort and smiled embarrassed, "sorry, I didn't thought I was obvious. Hope I didn't make you uncomfortable..." 

He kept silent making you slightly panic, "oh my god, I did make you uncomfortable?! I'm so sorry-", "no, it's fine. I'm used to people starring." 

You chuckled, "of course people stare! You're handsome.. if I saw you on the streets, walking past me, shit I would even look after you", you admitted making him slightly flush, "Oh.. I.. I was referring to something else but Thank You", "huh?", "My scar", "oh.. you think so? I'm pretty sure people stare because you're good looking." 

The red light turned green and he continued to drive, you failing to notice the small smile on his lips. 

As you entered his Apartment you were a little surprised that it was rather decent by size and not Huge. He did had a large apartment but you literally thought he's gonna drive to a huge penthouse apartment or even worse, a whole ass mansion. 

He chuckled at your expression, telling you that he wouldn't have felt comfortable in a huge mansion and since he lives alone, he didn't need a big apartment as well. 

Nodding your head understandingly at that, you watched him as he walked towards a guest room with your luggage. You, silently following him, looking around. "This will be your room for now", he said, indicating the fact that you weren't gonna house for too long at his as Mikey wanted you to live with him instead. 

"Thank you", "Are you hungry?", "a little bit", "Alright. I'll cook something for us", he said before closing the door to your room, disappearing. 

Deciding to settle in a little you took care of your luggage. Hanging some of your clothes up as you didn't bother with hanging them all up, since in a couple days you will probably have to pack everything up again anyway. 

It didn't take you too long either so you decided to just go to the kitchen, maybe you could help Kakucho out. That's what you thought at least. 

You still kept the thought in mind to be on your best behavior, trying not to steer too much trouble despite Sanzus aggressive reaction. But to be fair, you weren't with Sanzu right now but with Kakucho, which you were absolutely grateful for. 

With that in mind you made your way towards the kitchen. He had already changed his clothes to some joggers and a sweater, shuffling around in the kitchen. 

"Do you need some help?", "no, it's fine but you can go set the table if you want to", "sure", looking around next to him he pointed out where everything was. With that you grabbed all the stuff, setting the table for you two before asking him what he wants to drink. 

Soon you both were ready. He placed the food on the table for you two and you brought the drinks. Placing them all neatly down and filling his and your glasses with it. "I'm not a chef but it's alright", he said, making you grin as you took a bite out of the food, the taste melting in your mouth, "What do you mean your no chef?! This tastes better than what I can cook", you said with your mouth full. 

He looked at you with slightly wide eyes before chuckling, "you shouldn't talk with an full mouth", before he reached towards your face with his thumb, swiping a little bit of food from the side of your lip towards your lip. 

Without a second thought you licked his thumb clean. 

Mumbling out a small sorry against his thumb, feeling your cheeks slightly getting warm. 

Looking away you mumbled, "but you do cook good. At least that tastes good, it's better than my convenient store food..", "Ha, alright.. I can teach you if you want", he said, a slight glimmer appearing in your eyes, "really? You would?!", "sure, now eat up. I have to be at the meeting later", "don't worry, I'll clean up! That's the least I can do!" 

He nodded his head before you two continued to silently eat your food. After that you cleaned up and washed the dishes while he had some stuff to do in his little home office before he went to the meeting. 

His thoughts kept drifting towards your soft lips though, the way they felt under his fingertips, the way your tongue swiped over his thumb. He sighed, "you're so odd (L/N)..."

It was pretty late now, the room getting darker and darker as you were still in the living room of Kakuchos apartment after he had left. 

Watching some weird Japanese Talk Show. Cringing when you saw the cockroaches, they were supposed to touch and blow into each others mouth through a tube, land in the mouth of the one poor dude. 

"Ewww... what the fuck is wrong with them", you whined, almost feeling like you wanna throw up. 

"What are you watching?", you shrieked when you suddenly heard Kakucho behind you. 

"Fuck! I didn't hear you entering... what the fuck", "You swear quite a lot, did someone tell you that?", "yeah, I hear this way too often", you sighed before fully turning towards him who sat down beside you, "I'm watching one of those weird Japanese Talk Shows", "I can tell", "you don't wanna take your jacket off?", "huh? oh, yeah! Actually I'll go and wash up", he said, standing up and making his way towards his bathroom. 

"Alright!.. Oh, Kakucho..?", "hm?", he turned around looking at you, waiting for what you have to say, you grinned, "can we order from soxo? we don't have that where I come from! I saw an ad and it looked so~ good!", you gushed dreamily. 

He chuckled, "alright, order for us both", before turning around again and walking ahead, "But I don't know what you want to eat?!", you yelled, "Just order what you like and I'll eat it!", he yelled back when you heard the bathroom door close. 

"What if it tastes weird?", you asked, eyeing your burger, "it won't", "but what if?! Are you gonna eat it? Can I have yours then?", you eyed him with wide deer eyes and mouth agape, like a child looking for confirmation and attention. 

He brushed your hair away from your face, tugging it behind your ear, "I'll eat yours and you can have mine if you don't like it. If you also don't like mine I'm just gonna cook something quickly, alright?"

You happily nodded your head, taking a bite from your burger. Kakucho wasn't too surprised that your expression and the glimmer in your eyes had returned. 

Sanzu did treat you like shit and you were obviously afraid of so many gangsters around you, he didn't blame you for that. It made him somewhat proud as well that you felt comfortable enough around him. He didn't felt pride often as he always felt like a second or third person. A servant, nothing more. 

Just a mere human that exists and does his job without remorse or guilt. 

But from the first second on, something just oddly clicked between you two. Bickering like you two knew each other for years now. 

But there was still one thing open. 

Despite all the information they have of you, they don't Know you. They know what you did but why, how and what led to it, they didn't know jack shit about that. And Mikey emphasized it in todays meeting. Yeah, todays meeting was about you and why exactly Kakucho was supposed to look after you and not Ran, Akashi or even fucking Sanzu. 

Mikey noticed how comfortable you were around him. 

He wanted to use this advantage and opportunity for Kakucho to find out things about you, small or huge. He was about to interrogate you, using your trust towards him to find out stuff. 

Why? Pure curiosity since you were indeed an odd one.

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