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"Another mission?!", you groaned out annoyed, making Haruka shrug. He caught you and Ran making out and almost wanted to, like a sibling, take a pic. Running through the HQ to annoy everyone with it. 

Though unfortunately he couldn't as you two had to go to yet another mission. 

Almost having to pry you off of Ran, who practically growled at him for interrupting his precious time with 'his darling'. 

Haruka had to suppress a laugh though when you gave Ran a pointed look and told him to shut the fuck up and behave before getting up. 

Now here you were, groaning next to Haruka, talking about a mission you two had to attend. Yet none of you expected to be greeted by another dude from Bonten. Haruka and you looked at each other before looking back at the man in front of you. You raised your eyebrow, Haruka took out a cigarette and lit it up, eyeing the dude with sharp eyes. 

"And who are you?", Haruka asked. 

There was a thing you had to admit about Haruka, despite your sibling like relationship, he was a very attractive and intimidating man. His voice husky, fitting to his type. He always sounded like he was mocking you, constantly, and on top of that he had always a side grin on his face. Seemingly playing with his victims in front of him mentally. 

Though his stoic, expressionless face, was the one that had even you, shivers running down her spine. 

His red eyes were locked on the man in front of you two, as his lips took a drag of his cigarette. His free hand stuffed in his usual Japanese Satin Gang Jacket. 

He titled his head slightly when the man in front of him swallowed thickly, his earring dangling slightly from this. "hm?","I-I'm Torada, Sir!", "why are you here?", "I'm gonna accompany you on the mission-", "yeah but I asked, why?" 

You took a glance towards Haruka and could tell that he was not amused. Haruka found something off putting about Torada, you knew that by a single look towards his eyes. 

"I'm.. I'm supposed to give you the info about the mission and accompany you, since two is better than one", "Huh? Stop talking cryptic and get to the fucking point", Harukas eyes widened threateningly, his stare boring a hole through Toradas eyes. Said male took two steps back, putting some distance between them before gulping and continuing, "It's the event night, we have to attend it! Mikey ordered for us to get inside, though, you and I, sir, have a different objective than she has. That's why... that's why two better than one.. sir"

"Mikey said that? I should go and-", "N-No need to! Here are the documents! His signature and the propositions are all here!" 

You looked at Haruka again who looked back at you. A deep crease between his eyebrows that you swiftly wiped away with your thumb, shrugging your shoulders, "if he says so", making Haruka let out a sigh. 

Practically ripping the papers out of his hand, he walked past him, "no funny things", before seating himself into the car. You followed after Haruka, sitting down beside him, "I know you're not naive enough to trust him", he whispered to you. 

"He's odd but I also don't trust Mikey, so, i don't know what to tell you. He's part of Bonten, what else is there to say", like on cue Torada got in, sitting down on the passenger seat. Usually Haruka likes to take his own car but this time a car and a driver were provided. Making him, to be fair, more alarmed. His mind was racing and working in seconds, hoping that whatever he's feeling and thinking is wrong. 

The afternoon was spent with shopping malls, dressing rooms and people constantly touching up on Haruka, Torada and you. Well, less on you cause Haruka almost barked at every person that even tried to lay their hands on you. 

Even Torada, who just wanted to lay a hand on your shoulder in a 'friendly'-gesture, got his hand almost bitten off by Haruka. 

He was overly protective that day, keeping eyes on Torada to the point you pushed him inside the dressing room, asking him if he's jealous. Haruka obviously scoffed and denied it, looking offended back at you when you told him, "then stop acting like a little piss bitch and suck the fact up that we have to do this mission with him!" 

That truly hurt him, he would rather want you to believe he's jealous than that.. Huffing out an annoyed sigh he nodded his head reluctantly before his eyes darted down towards your body. A whistle escaping his lips, "you know.. actually.. I am jealous, would you mind mending my jealous heart?", a smirk playing on his lips when his hands found your waist. 

"boi, if you don't- i swear.. you.. argh", you lifted your hand, smacking the back of his head. "Arg.. man, that hurt", he winced, rubbing the place you hit him with his hand, a frown on his face. 

"Stop acting like an idiot?!", "I just wanted a kiss from a gorgeous lady in a beautiful black dress", he pouted. You rolled your eyes at that, tilting your head with a little smirk on your lips and a raised brow, "idiot..", you said once more. 

He sighed and threw his head back, "cruel, so so cruel. I just wish to be kissed by an angel for once in my life, is it really too much to ask", making a laugh escape your lips. With a shake of your head, you turned around to push him out of the dressing room again, finally taking of the dress and leaving this place to a hair appointment that was finally due. 

Though before you could start to unzip the dress, Haruka yelled over the closed curtain, "You should buy it! I didn't lie when i said you look gorgeous in it!" 

Leaving you with a small smile on your lips, mumbling another, "idiot", underneath your breath before you chuckled slightly. "I will!"

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