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"How's your day everyone? Mine started with tears", you smiled and finger gunned the executives, that were gathered at the living room area of the HQ, while walking past them towards Mikey's office.

Akashi behind you sighed before joining the others, leaving you alone.

"She's still not over it?", Koko asked, not really understanding your sadness for an animal. He didn't want to be insensitive cause he could obviously tell how much it affected you, though he had a hard time understanding since he never got attached to things like this.

He could buy you a new pet. That were his thoughts.

Akashi shook his head, "a few days back she gave away his stuff, I could tell that it was rather hard for her but she's slowly getting better. Though she did cry today early in the morning when I made pancakes and gave her a glass of milk...", recalling the way you started bawling.

Talking about how bub used to steal your milk.

But he had to admit, you're crying sessions became shorter so he was confident you would get over it soon.

"We could just buy her a new cat?", Koko mumbled, making Ran slap the back of his head, looking at Koko rather offended with a gasp, "insensitive fuck!"

Mochi nodded his head, "you can't just buy a new pet. It's family. He was her family and you're talking about buying a new pet, tsk tsk tsk", "alright alright, I get it!" "I agree with Koko though. Why not just buy a new pet, who the fuck cares if it's family or not", Sanzu said, rolling his eyes.

Rindou turned towards him, "ey Sanzu!", "what?", "shut the fuck up!" , making Ran laugh.

"Are you feeling better?", Mikey asked, eyeing the papers in front of him as you stood at the door. "Yeah, I guess", "good! You, Rindou, Ran and Sanzu, have to check out a location. A new club opened up and according to rumors there's people who stole our stash and guns. Check the place out, get the people to talk and kill them", "o-okay... ehm... Mikey-", "did I made something not clear?", "no, no... it's just what about Kazuya and Baipā?"

Mikey looked at you for a split second, tilting his head in question. You cleared your throat, "I just thought that I was supposed to be 'evacuated'?", "no", "no?", "no, you're an executive like the others. You're not gonna get special treatment", he returned to his papers, "if you're afraid Baipā or Kazuya will get you then you better learn how to shoot or kill again", "understood", "good, now leave!"

Without another word you turned around and left.

Mikey's constant mood swings were getting on your nerves. Was he acting like this because you haven't broken yet how he wanted? Or did he in general not give a fuck? Or maybe both. You didn't care at this point. Thinking about that stuff was gonna be useless anyways. You wanted to get out of here in the first place so why question stupid shit like this.

Making your way back to the living room area, you stood in front of the executives, them looking at you in question. "Ran, Rindou and Sanzu, new mission!", "the club?", Sanzu asked with a grin.

He was to say the least excited that you would join them.

Nodding your head you turned to Akashi, "I have to get ready! Can't go to the club looking like that", you frowned. And you were right, wearing a jogger set and your hair messily in a ponytail wasn't really it. He nodded his head, standing up ready to take you home and let you get ready.

Akashi eyed your outfit, making you look back at him with a raised eyebrows, "what? Does it look bad?", "hm? No. You look good!", he said, taking a puff out of his cigarette before standing up and walking towards you.

He adjusted your skirt and fixed your top before nodding his head.

Your all black outfit was in Akashis eyes as always, stunning. He in general, always thought you looked good. No matter what.

You decided for the club to wear a mini skirt with a bandeau top and a cropped turtleneck sweater, it was basically just sleeves with a turtle neck, and some knee high boots. It was, what you considered, casual. If you would need to run or would have blood splatter on you, it was perfect as most skin was exposed and it was black and your boots were definitely comfortable to fight and run in.

Like on cue the doorbell rang. Sanzu on speaker.

They were waiting for you downstairs, so with a quick grab of your small purse, you threw your cellphone in and grabbed your coat. Making your way towards the door, Akashi halted you, giving you a pocketknife and lighter, in case something happens. With that you went out, greeted by the three man who you were gonna spend the night tonight.

"Darling, looking as always gorgeous!", Ran complimented, making Sanzu chirp in, "of course, it's Angel after all", the two starting to bicker more or less.

Rindou rolled his eyes and ushered you closer, his hand finding the small of your back to help you get into the car, saying only for you to hear how beautiful you looked as always. A small thank you leaving your lips.

He sat you down into the passenger seat, taking the drivers seat as he called out to his brother and Sanzu to move their asses.

Upon arriving you were a bit nervous.


Because you had to do the mission with, what seemed like, two men children that non stopped bickered behind you and Rindou.

You knew they were doing their jobs excellent. They wouldn't be here if they would mess up their jobs. Though you didn't feel too confident standing next to them as they were fuzzing on and on about weird things that didn't even make sense in the first place.

Sensing your nervousness, Rindou reassuringly put his hand underneath your jacket, on the small of your back, his thumb stroking slightly at your exposed skin. Leaning down he whispered, "you got this, don't worry! I'm here too, I won't let you leave my sight, alright?"

Nodding your head, you took a deep breath before releasing the puff of air you held in.

Rindou turned towards the other two, "y'all got your guns?", "yeah!", "of course!", "I don't have one!", you chimed in, looking at Rindou. He looked back at you before quickly turning to his car, getting a gun out of underneath the seat, giving it to you. You checked if it was loaded, before clicking everything back to place and pushing the gun into the top back of your skirt, the jacket covering everything.

"Okay, let's go!", you said, as you started to walk towards the club, the Bonten executives following when you felt Rindous hand return to its place on the small of your back. The warmth and closeness of him and his palm, giving you a sense of comfort and reassuring you that he was indeed by your side and not going anywhere. Leaning closer to him, he fully wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you even a tad bit closer.

"Why are you so touchy, Rindou? Don't forget to share with us", Sanzu smiled, receiving a glare from Rindou.

"I don't trust her with you nor with my brother! So no, she's staying close by me!", receiving a scoff and offended look from Ran, "my dear brother! How can you say something like this!-", "you wanna enter?", Ran got interrupted by the Bouncer of the club, throwing a glare towards you four.

Ran, not appreciating being interrupted, looked at the Bouncer before coming closer, "do you know who the fuck I am? You better watch it!", the Bouncer was about to say something back when you interrupted, "yeah, we would like to go in. We got... business!"

The Bouncer looked at you, speechless from the aura you emitted.

You were undoubtedly beautiful but something about you made a shiver run down his spine. Maybe it was from the way you spoke or from the way your intense eyes were looking at him, he didn't know.

Wordlessly he stepped aside, letting you go in. Not wanting to mess with a women like you, that was for sure. Giving him a thank you and a smile that made his breath hitch, he turned away.

You were definitely something else.

"Ha, darling wrapping all the men around her finger", Ran said, chuckling. You just shrugged your shoulders, "I mean, who can't resist me, right?"

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