༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 112༒

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The executives sat around in the living room area of the HQ, the previous mission still in the trios and Kakuchos mind. The executives were, lets just say, not all too happy about your change of behavior. 

You truthfully, at the moment, couldn't care less. 

Mikey wasn't too satisfied with the mission. As you failed to bring back or at least decipher what had happened to their delivery. But that was also one thing, you momentarily, couldn't care less about. You did your job and if they didn't specify your tasks, only saying, 'take care of that', you might as well do so. 

You did take care of it, so you didn't know what the big issue was. 

Anyways, coming back to the executives deep in thoughts, they contemplated what they should do. They knew that with their ideas, they would go against Mikeys orders. Something that could cost the life of each one of them. 

Kakucho let out a sigh and threw his head back against the couchrest, draping his arm over his eyes. Sanzu was leaning with his elbows on his knees, hunched over as he played with the gun in his hands. Everyone was with their minds somewhere else, until Mochi decided to speak up.

"Let's spend a day with (Y/N) like in 'old' times!" 

Akashi and Koko looked at him in confusion, Rindous brows furrowed, "fuck you mean with that ?", "remember when we went shopping with her in Harajuku or that other time when she was just with the Haitanis and me? She was all around happy at that time!", "Thats a good Idea actually! Let's go out, spoil her a bit!", Koko agreed. Kakucho only sighed, "I guess.. I guess we could do that!" 

With that said, Mochi got up and went looking for you. 

"Mochi?", "hmm?", "are you sure we can just go out like this?", you asked the male next to you, in the drivers seat.

Mochi had convinced you to spend a day off with him and the others. You were a bit hesitant though as you wondered about Mikey, he did seem pretty pissed off about you. It was a surprise that he, apparently, 'agreed' to give you all a day off. 

Mochi just hummed a yes in response, reassuring you with a, "we talked with Mikey and it was fine!" 

Nodding your head your gaze averted towards the passing buildings. A tad bit happy that it was just you and Mochi in the car and not the others. For some reason, you just didn't felt like being close to them. Still unsure about their motives and your own feelings as they were giving mixed signals. That would be the softest way to describe the relationship you had with each of them. 

It felt chaotic but not in a good way. 

Mochi soon parked his car but before you got out he established one thing, "please stay close to any of us! With Kazuya and Baipā and their Men around, we have to be cautious . You don't have to be cautious or alert today though, alright? I want you to enjoy the day and relax, no thoughts about anything than what dress you should buy or what you wanna eat, nothing more. We're gonna stay on alert, you just stay close with any of us. Okay?", nodding your head, you simply agreed as there wasn't anything you could do anyway.

Mochi grinned at you satisfied and went out of the car. Opening the door for you, he helped you get out, the others already approaching you two. 

"We decided to go to one of the biggest shopping malls here around Japan", Koko exclaimed, eyeing you excitingly, "you can have whatever you want! Today it's all about spoiling you!" 

You simply nodded your head, finding their behavior, particularly strange today. Stranger than usual. 

Without uttering another word, you made your way towards the entrance of the Shopping mall, the others following close by as Rindou was to your right, Koko to your left and Sanzu behind you. Ran, Kakucho and Mochi were walking at the front. Akashi next to Koko. 

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