༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 23༒

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As if the sky had known what was going on, the world cried today. 

Rain droplets falling down your face, mixing with the silent tears you shed for the father in front of you who couldn't even give his daughter a proper funeral as he buried her in the forest. 

Stones and little flowers, decorating her 'grave', a replacement for an actual grave stone. 

The Bonten members watched you two from afar, fascinated by the fact how much you could grief for someone you didn't even know. When they asked you about it all you did was wave them off. 

You were a pretty sensitive person.

Yeah.., you might didn't know her, you barely know him.. but still, you saw her, you felt his love for her, you saw him break and fall apart, cradling her cold bloody body in his hands. Desperately trying, wishing and praying to get her back. For her to open her eyes once more and smile at her father with her beautiful toothy grin. Hoping that it was all just a sick joke that went too far. 

You were a strong empath. You always were and always have been. 

You felt his pain, you felt it all over your body. Feeling they way his heart ripped into pieces the more and more dirt and earth covered her dead body. It was almost unbearable for you. 

Oh, how you sometimes wished to be able to take the pain away from others.

A few moments of silence went by. You two silently praying before you stood there and watched the rain sink into the dirt. Caressing the leaves of the trees around you two. Hugging you both in a comforting way. 

Yes, the rain, as oddly as it sounded, gave you two the comfort that you needed. Washing away slowly the pain until you felt your fingertips become numb. The sound of the rain hitting the trees around you, leaving you truly to swirl in your own mind. Dancing around in the whirlwind of thoughts. The Images playing over and over in your head as you felt yourself getting accustomed to situation and the pain it caused.

You were a murderer. 

You saw Nat kneel in front of the 'grave', laying his hand down on the dirt as to 'feel' her presence for the last time. The guilt ripping you slowly in half as you felt your eyes sting once more. Watching the father bid his farewell for one last time before he turned towards you, nodding his head at you. A way of telling you he was ready to leave. 

Before he made his way passed you, out of the forest. His footstep, despite the rain, heavy and loud in your ears. Almost ringing painfully. 

You followed him silently towards your car. Without uttering another word to the Bonten Members or him, you sat down into the drivers seat while Nat sat down on the passenger seat, driving towards your apartment. 

The entire car ride was painfully silent. The tune of a melodic piano was silently playing in the background as the water droplets softly pitter patted against your car window. Not really distraction you from your raging thoughts until.. "It's weird you know", Nat started to talk, "It doesn't even feel like it's been so long since I've lost my wife.. not that it really matters.. but now my child.. that feels surreal.."

"give yourself some time..", you softly told him. Trying to distract yourself from the ongoing guilt ridden thoughts. Though on the contrary, there wasn't much you could say anyway. 

What were you supposed to say to a man who has lost his whole family? 

I'm sorry for your loss was so overrated. You always felt like those words were insensitive, it always sounded rather mockingly in a way, to you.

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