༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 109༒

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You had your arms wrapped around Inuis torso as he drove with his bike through the night. Your head leaned on his broad shoulders as you closed your eyes and just enjoyed the wind blowing through your hair. 

With no thoughts and no care in the world, you let Inui drive you two to his apartment. 

You really couldn't bring yourself to care anymore. You just wanted to spend the night with someone, you knew, cared for you and genuinely didn't mind your company. The universe quickly granting your wish with the phone call from no other than Inui. 

The boy who was grateful that you listened to his thoughts. 

The boy who could get lost, looking into your eyes for hours. 

The boy, who wanted to get to know you better cause despite the time spend with each other, you were still a mystery to him with a lot of secrets. 

So when he finally took all of his courage and called you, hearing your voice made his heart skip a beat. When you agreed for him to fetch you, he couldn't stop the smile on his face. Promising you that he would hold you as soon as you two reached his apartment, cause that was all you wanted an had asked for and he would be a fool to not grant you that wish. 

He wanted to make you feel better, sensing that you weren't in the best mood. 

As soon as he reached his apartment complex, he parked the motorcycle neatly at his usual spot. Helping you get down before following him. Hesitantly he reached for your hand, silently sighing in relief when he noticed you weren't pulling away but actually coming closer, letting him guide you to his apartment.

As soon as you reached it, he told you to make yourself comfortable and that he would get you something comfortable to wear out of his closet. Thanking him softly. Your eyes followed the soft boy.. you would have to be blind to not see the slight adoration you held in your eyes towards Inui. 

He quickly disappeared before coming back with a pair of joggers and a hoodie, telling you, that you can use his bedroom or the bathroom to change. Giving him a small smile you went ahead, changing in his bedroom before coming back and settling yourself down on the couch. Feeling a bit embarrassed from your earlier request, you didn't move but was relieved when you saw Inui open his arms, ushering to come closer so he could hold you like promised. 

So without another word, you crawled up to him, snuggling into his chest as he held you close and tight to himself. Sharing his body warmth with yours before draping a light blanket over you two on the couch. And with the rhythm of his steady heartbeat, you fell asleep as Inui watched you in concern, tracing softly the Hickey on your neck with his fingertips.

The next morning you woke up with your face still planted on Inuis chest. The boy softly snoring under you. 

Shifting a bit you looked up at him, taking in his features and admiring him. The suns early golden hues wrapping him up in a beautiful light. Kissing him. Complimenting his facial features and complexion. Making it seem like he was the suns favorite child.

You were the total opposite of Inui in that sense, as you were kissed and admired by the moon. Her light shine, not even comparable to the suns bright light, hugging you in comfort. 

You used to always stay up way too late, admiring the moon as she was kissing your cheeks and tears away. Seeing someone being admired by the sun was such an experience that you didn't even notice the small smile that appeared on Inuis lips. 

Not until he chuckled, "You're gonna burn holes into my head from the way you stare so hard!" Making you instantly feel flustered as you buried your head into his chest. "Shut up", a muffled mumble was all Inui got from you before he chuckled once more. His hands stroking your back. "you slept alright?", he asked a bit unsure, since you both fell asleep on the couch.

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