🔞༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 88༒🔞

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You sat on Akashis desk. 

He, standing in between your legs as his hands rested on your thighs. 

He dragged his hands up and down, occasionally gripping the plump flesh, while his cigarette hung low on his lips. He eyed your form, the way you shyly looked down, the way goosebumps arose on your skin from his grip, the way you chewed on your lips. 

Nervous. That's what you were. 

The confidence you normally sported, gone. 

Akashi had an intimidating aura to him without even trying. A person that with just his tone and look could make your knees buckle. 

Not even Sanzu, with his maniac personality, was as intimidating as Akashi. 

The man in front of you, took the cigarette out of his mouth, putting it off on the ashtray on his table. Licking his lips, his fingers found your chin, lifting your face up. Without further exchange of words he softly pecked your lips before a teasing smirk appeared on his face, "You had so much to say a mere minute ago", he said in a low tone. Your gazes shifting down. 

He could tell how you tried to regulate your breathing pattern, the atmosphere between you two hazy, a glint of lust. 

You softly shook your head, your fingers finding his hands, playing with his fingers as he kept watching you. "So cute and shy now, hm?", he teased. His hand that was still resting on your thigh, travelled up, his fingers disappearing underneath the tight skirt you decided to wear. He loved it when you wore your little outfits with them tight mini skirts, jumping around in them with no ounce of care if someone could look underneath them or not. 

He loved it so much that, the thought of just pushing the hem up and fucking you raw in it, was giving him a hard one. His fingers dancing closely around the spot you felt tingly at. 

Biting your lips, you watched his hand resting between your legs, underneath your skirt- Wanting nothing more than to grab his hand and make him do what you wanted him to do. 

Though you held yourself back. 

You thought that if you dared to do something right now, you would probably be punished. He hadn't said anything but it sure seemed like it. His fingertips lightly grazed your clothed clit, making you flinch, a chuckle escaping his lips. 

"sensitive?", he asked, to which you only nodded. 

He grazed it once more before pressing his fingers down, his other hand now resting on the table as he leaned a bit of his weight on it. Tilting his head and leaning in closer to your face, he grazed his nose against your jawline, his lips barely hovering above your skin. 

A ghost of a touch. 

He followed your jawline before going down, nuzzling his nose against your neck. Planting a kiss on your neck. You tilted your head slightly, giving him a bit more space as his hand, that was resting on the table, pushed your hair to the other side to free your neck. Peppering light kisses onto it while his other hand slowly slid your panties to the side, his fingertips massaging your aching bud. 

Your lips parted as you let out soft breathy moans, while his fingers worked slow circles on your clit and his lips kept kissing your neck. Parting your legs a bit more, to give him more access, he hummed in satisfaction.

"good girl", he whispered against your neck, making you throw your head back. His fingers grazed your hole, feeling the wetness that was pooling in it. He collected a bit of your cum on his fingertips, spreading it around your clit, drawing slow tiny circles and rubbing up and down. 

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