🔞༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 19༒🔞

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//TW: Mature Content/ consensual non-consensuality/ non verbal consent🔞//

You were panting, digging your nails into the cushion of the passenger seat as you tried your hardest to keep your legs open. 

Ran on the other hand was driving, lazily smiling ahead at your panting form beside him. From the outside, everything looked normal but on the inside, his fingers were repeatedly thrusting into you, while he was driving down the road with his other hand on the steering wheel. 

He had currently two fingers stuffed inside of you, bending them, making you feel electricity course through your body. 

"Ran,... Ran,... please.. I wanna cum..", you panted out desperately, almost feeling your eyes sting from the desperation of wanting to cum. You were on edge. "Soon", he said with a grin, pulling his fingers out before licking them, tasting you on them. It had been going on like this since the moment you both had left the restaurant. 

He would thrust his fingers into you a few times before leaving you hanging, repeating the step over and over. Edging you over and over to the point you really felt like crying. It was painful yet arousing. 

He had told you, that you could cum when you both would reach your apartment complex. But now you had the feeling he had been fuckin' with you. Purposely taking longer roads to torture you and tease you some more. "Ran, you said 'soon' like 15 fucking minutes ago", you snapped. Desperation and frustration lingering in your voice. 

A snarl on your face. 

"my my, what an attitude.. maybe I should do something about this..", he smiled. It felt like he was purposely ignoring what you said, talking more or less to himself before continuing to mindlessly drive through the streets. His fingers that had been inside of you, still lingering against his lips.

You huffed, making him chuckle, "look, isn't this your apartment complex already?" You turned your head forward and he was right, there it was. Your apartment complex shining in all its glory. Feeling yourself getting excited again. "We're gonna have so much fun! You ready for your next reward, princess?", he smirked, shortly parking close to your apartment complex. 

Clenching your thighs together, he almost had to chuckle. Relishing himself in the fact how excited you were for more and especially his dick. Gosh, you were like a cute little puppy for him and he loved it. 

Getting out of the car, he walked towards the passenger seat, opening the door and stretching his hand out for you to take it.  Giving you his signature, lazy smirk, "Let's go!"

Opening your eyes you felt for once absolutely relaxed. 

Yesterdays night activities replying in your head like a record. It went from rough to absolute loving and caring. It totally surprised you that Ran had this side to him. 

You thought he was a rather selfish man in bed, chasing his own high and not caring about his partner. Maybe he was that type of person but not with you. At least, it almost felt like he couldn't be like this with you. 

Turning around you also weren't surprised to see that the bed was empty beside you. But to be absolutely honest, you were happy about that. Happy that you were able to wake up alone in peace and silence without him. After having the time of your life. You had to admit, a good dick did definitely do wonders for your mood.

Yawning, you lazily stretched yourself a bit before you slowly stood up and went inside the bathroom, taking a shower. 

You had to.

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