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"You know how to use a gun? You do, right?", "yeah", "and you probably know how to fight too? Yeah?", "I guess so..", you said a bit unsure. 

"I did had a few fights when I was younger.. but that was every now and then. It had been a few years, you know..."

Haruka looked at you for a moment, "but you do know the basics, right?", "I guess..", you said still unsure. "Well, that's alright. I'm here with you anyway and I'm not gonna leave your side!", Haruka reassured you.. well.. more like himself. 

Finally after almost two weeks of waiting and observing, Baipā made moves. Very evident moves. 

The executives still haven't found the traitor. So to avoid anyone leaking even more info they started to discuss anything only between them aight. Trying to even filter out every possible suspect. Unfortunately to no avail yet. 

This brought you and Haruka back to Baipā. 

Baipā was currently stressing out. Since his man wasn't able to give him any info, in the past few days, regarding Bonten anymore. 

A perfect opportunity opened up for you two, to infiltrate his hideouts, get info and take down his men one by one. You were waiting until night time, when Baipā and his gang would go out to do some business, to actually go and do something.

Waiting patiently inside the car, you kept checking all your belongings. 

Gun, ammo, rope, a pocketknife, lock-picks and a lighter. 

Basically, your essentials to break in and get stuff done.

You were a tad bit nervous though, since it had been a while were you actively did something 'criminal' and 'illegal'. Cause even the missions you did with Bonten so far, never really involved you in a way where you actively had to kill someone or get info. You had been doing jobs where all you had to do was look pretty, basically. 

The last time you really did something was with Nat and his.. kid. 

A wave of sadness taking over you when you remember the night you had found his small baby girl.. Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath. Sending a small prayer their way before a small smile appeared on your lips. 

At the end.. he was reunited with his little daughter again, wishing them all the happiness at the place they were now at. 

Haruka nudged you, "you ready?" 

Taking another deep breath, you exhaled, calming your nerves down. Giving yourself a few seconds, you nodded, "I'm ready.. Let's do this"

You both watched Bapiā leave his hideout with a few men on his side. "Now or never", was all Haruka said before you both went out of the car. Taking fast stealthy steps towards the building, hiding in the shadows to make sure that nobody would see you and would instantly shoot you on sight until you made it towards the door of the hideout.

It was an old abounded restaurant. Not too far from the city. Taking out your lock-picks from your back pocket, you started to work on the lock of the door while Haruka shielded your back with a gun in his hand. You were proud that you were still rather good and quick on your hands with the lock-picks. 

Unlocking the door in a swift motion, surprising even Haruka. 

"Shit, you good!", he whispered impressed. 

With a cheeky grin on your lips and a shrug of your shoulders, you continued inside. Looking carefully around, taking your gun out and walking in silent small steps forward. From the back of the little restaurant you walked inside the kitchen. Haruka on one side of the kitchen, you on the other, your gun pointed forward, ready when someone tried to surprise you two. 

Haruka made a swift hand motion, showing to go further in. 

You took quick steps towards the door that separated the main dining room and the kitchen.

Haruka followed. Both of you on each side of the door. 

You counted with your fingers down to three, before opening the door and peeking out. Seeing as the coast was clear you ushered him to follow, though he quickly grabbed you by the shirt, pulling you behind him. Motioning for you to stay behind him. 

He wanted to make sure that if something happens he would be the one to get hit first. Cause if it comes down to it, he wanted you to escape and make it out alive, not fight. 

You both made it through the dining area of the restaurant, walking past the restrooms before finally finding an office room. He motioned for you to once more take the stand beside the door, shielding him from the back. 

He tried to open the door but realized it was locked. 

Tapping your shoulder, you looked at him in anticipation, when he whispered, "you gotta lock-pick it!" Nodding, you two switched places. Taking another set of lock-picks out of your back-pocket, you started to pick the lock before carefully opening it.

Though what none of you two expected was a bunch of men, standing in the room, guns pointed at you. Before Haruka could react, you were quicker, pushing him away and jumping away when the guns started to go off. You both hid behind the walls of the door, waiting for just a mere second where you could shoot. 

The moment you caught the second, you instantly stood up.

Haruka wanted to stop you but froze when you suddenly hit one headshot after another. The expression on your face, making a shiver run down his spine. 

Your eyes were sharp, no ounce of emotion pooling in them as your breath halted, keeping your hands steady in that way. You were shooting them like a bunch of non living props. He could tell, you were not seeing them as human beings anymore. One after another taken down, their lights taken out in an instant, the walls painted with their brains and blood. 

He looked at you, not being able to utter out a word as he was too shocked. 

It's like a switch turned inside of you. 

It scared him. 

The look in your eyes, something he hasn't ever seen in Sanzus eyes nor did he ever saw this in Mikey's eyes. Nothing compared to the Haitanis. You were alone... 

Lust plain ruthless. 

Like a machine that's only purpose was to kill. 

The smiley, genuinely lovable person.. gone. 

Was this the side of you, Mikey was seeking for? Was this the reason why he took you in, wanting you all for himself? Breaking you apart to the point you were just a murderous machine?

Silence suddenly engulfed you both, snapping Haruka out of his thoughts. Gulping when you said in a monotone voice, "done", before entering the room as if nothing had happened. 

You went towards the laptop, taking the USB Haruka gave you, and slipped it into the USB Drive. A virus spreading on the Laptop, stealing all the Data it provided and deleting it from the laptop it self. To the point it was unusable. As soon as you were finished, you took it back. Slipping it into your pocket before walking out.

Haruka walked a few steps behind you, still in a shock type of state. Watching you as you walked like you owned the place. 

Walked like you were the only person in this world. 

In this instant he knew, you were someone not to fuck with. Someone who would be able to hold herself alone and stand her ground. 

In this instant he knew, if you would ever start a gang, you would be even bigger than Bonten.

The balance between your charisma and charm and your ruthless behavior, unmatched. 

In this particular moment he knew and chose, to follow you wherever. Fuck Bonten. The respect towards you bigger than towards anyone he met. You almost seemed like a one-man-gang and to be able to hold yourself like this.. that was something else.

You were the new boss.

The new leader.

And he couldn't wait for the future.

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