༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 50༒

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"I wanna go home", you groaned making Mochi look at you with a raised brow, "we just got here?"

"yeah... but I don't feel comfortable.. I don't know", "weren't you the one who drunkenly flashed her boobs?", "y'all never gonna let me live this down, huh?", you looked at him while he just chuckled, wrapping his arms around your shoulders, "don't worry little one, If you want you can stick with me, Akashi and Kakucho. We usually just sit and drink. The others are always running off somewhere." 

You nodded your head, getting closer to him and letting him 'shield' you from the others while you went to the booth that was reserved for Bonten and the other Gang. 

As soon you sat down, Akashi to your right, Mochi to your left, a waitress came. Usually you would always have to get your drinks yourself but since you were 'VIPs', you had a waitress for the night. 

It was definitely something else, a new experience for you. 

She eyed your unsure form before speaking, "what can I get you?", "The best and most Expensive bottle you got!", the Top Executive yelled. She nodded her head before returning her gaze towards you, "a cold water?", a small sympathetic smile on her lips. 

Giving her a small smile back you nodded your head. "What?! A Water??? You're Not Gonna Drink?!", the top executive yelled, a bit offended if you could say. 

You were about to answer but Ran beat you to it, a lazy yet threatening smile on his face, "I dare you to talk to her like this again and your head will be served on this table", making the executive sweat drop, "I.. eh, haha, no no of course not. We came here to celebrate, right?! Haha", "it's fine.. I'll drink later!", you said. Ignoring the commotion.

To Mochis surprise, everyone stayed planted at their seats. He was sure after a few glasses of alcohol and pills that they would all scatter around the club but here they were, having conversations with you and the other gang members from the top executive, while the top executive was in a conversation with Akashi. 

He had an arm lazily thrown over your shoulder cause you, despite having comfortable conversations with the others, seemed rather tense, fidgety almost. 

He had asked you a few times what was wrong but you kept saying everything was fine, just some weird paranoia in the back of your mind. He never got the chance to ask though what paranoia cause he soon realized how you kept tabs on who had drunk how much. 

What was going on? 

He genuinely wanted to ask you as soon as he opened his mouth though you stood up, "toilet!", was all you said before shuffling away from them, pushing your way through all the people. 

You were getting more and more tense. 

You realized that the only ones who were in some way alright and on the edge of a sober drunken state were Mochi and Akashi. That was bad, really really bad. Mochi seemed to care a little bit about you but Akashi, he really didn't give a shit, he only cared about your cat. 

He had asked at least 10 times in the past 4 hours how your cat was doing and kept saying how he's gonna adopt him and treat him right, to which you yelled ,"might as well marry him?!" 

You tried to keep a clear head, you had avoided drinking the entire time by simply switching the cups around. 

It was too risky, your gut telling you that It was too dangerous, that it would be a horrible downfall for you if you let yourself get loose. Coming back, your face paled. Koko, Sanzu and Ran were getting up, girls in their arms, strutting somewhere, Mochi was suddenly passed the fuck out.

Akashi, Rindou and Kakucho were nowhere in sight. 

What the fuck happened in the spawn of 10 minutes? 

The top executive grinned at you, "the others went for a smoke"

Nodding your head, you shuffled over to Mochi. Avoiding eye contact with the executive. "You're one gorgeous girl!"

You just nodded your head, playing with the cup in front of you. 

"Say, what's your relationship with Bonten", he shamelessly asked to which you just shrugged your shoulders, "I don't think that's any of your business", you politely said back. "Ha, alright. I know you're just some fucktoy but apparently not a good one when the executives themselves rather get a prostitute to fuck in the club bathroom right now", he laughed, sipping on his drink.

You kept silent, looking at your glas as you hoped that the others would come back. Cause you knew for a fact, Mochi won't wake up so soon, passed out on drugs and alcohol. 

The atmosphere in the VIP section was tense as you couldn't even stay calm. 

You were genuinely scared. There were 10 men, including the Top Executive and a passed out Mochi beside you. Shit even if you wanted to, you couldn't even protect yourself. You could take on 3 men perhaps 4 - 5 if you had a good day and they didn't had weapons. 

But that was wishful thinking, obviously they have guns on themselves.

You were fucked. 

"Say, do they care about you?", he asked to which you only stayed silent. "I think they don't, of course that's just my personal opinion", he mockingly replied. "Say", he played with his glass, pulling out a gun and laying it down on the table, "do you think they would bother if you... disappear?"

Your eyes instantly snapped towards the gun, eyeing it. You tried your hardest to keep your breath under control. Without thinking further your fight and flight mode activated as soon as you saw him shift around. 

You instantly jumped up from the booth, running over the table as the others tried to grab you. Thank fucking god for Sanzu choosing pants. 

Jumping over them, you took a b-line straight through the crowd. Pushing the people quickly to the side you fought your way through them, towards the entrance. As soon as you reached it you almost slammed the club door open, startling the security guard in front of you. 

He couldn't even open his mouth when you dashed past him, looking around the area for Akashi, Rindou or Kakucho. 

Cursing under your breath, you realized that they weren't here and just started running down the streets.

"Fuckers left me alone! fuck Fuck Fuck", you gritted through your teeth as you sprinted down the street. Looking behind you, you saw 6 people running after you. Too Risky, was your first thought as you decided to run over the street to the other side, knowing damn well that the other 4 were probably trying to cut you off somewhere. 

Not a fucking chance..

Running through the alleyways of the other street you tried to dodge them as good as you could, another Thank fucking good to Sanzu as you had asked him prior, to ask Kakucho to bring you some sneakers, cause ain't no fucking way would you wear heels the entire night through. 

Silently thanking your intuition as well. 

You were able to run relatively quick yet not too loud through the alleyways, the chance of them being able to detect you shortening as you wore black and it was almost pitch black with a few light poles shining through the night. 

Taking a quick stop behind a wall, you tried to catch your breath, your stamina running low on you.

You tried to listen to any sounds and movements, deciding to walk or more like stealthily walk further ahead and away. 

The further and further you walked, the more and more people you heard. Deciding to walk out to the open streets again you were met with crowds of people walking down the streets. 

The Bustling night life. 

"perfect..", you muttered to yourself before blending in with the crowd. 

The streets were busy, some shops still open as they were 24 hours stores, much to your luck. You didn't give a fuck anymore if you would get in trouble or not. You knew that the others would loose their shit but at the end it was their fault- 

your mind went blank. 

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