༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 28༒

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It has been two days since your arrival here and you haven't moved an inch from Kakuchos Bed, almost like a silent protest. 

The first night he shooed the others away when he walked in on you sulking on the bed, the covers up to your face. He decided to leave you alone, telling the others to give you some rest as well. 

When they came back the next day, he found you in the same position. A slight sense of panic settling in him, thinking for a split second that this was your dead body lying on the bed. But upon checking, he saw you with your mouth slight agape, breathing and sleeping soundlessly. A sigh of relief leaving his lips. 

It bugged him though, that when he came back you were wide awake but still curled up, not sparing him even a glance. 

Giving you another day, Sanzu had finally enough, your attitude pissing him off.

Kakucho on the other hand got worried since you hadn't ate, drank and at this point he wasn't even sure if you occasionally stood up to go to the toilet. 

So when Sanzu stormed into his/ your room, he didn't stop him, letting him practically drag you out of bed. You tried to protest, pushing his hands away but he just threw you over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes.

Trying to trash around when he started to walk out of the room, walking through the hallways towards a big 'living room' that had a connected kitchen. The others sitting around, talking about some business when they took notice of your trashing figure. It wasn't just the executives sitting around but also some of their  henchmen as well. 

Their eyes ogling over your body and face, their mind drifting towards inappropriate scenarios that were quickly dismissed when Sanzu looked at them, a threatening grin on his face as to say, 'I dare you to think those thoughts about her'. 

Their gazes instantly shifted towards something else in the room when he gave your ass a harsh slap before gripping it roughly and biting into it, making you yelp, embarrassed that a moan almost slipped out of your throat, "What the fuck-", "no, looking bastards, got it?!", Sanzu said before continuing his way towards the kitchen. "that was so weird..", you mumbled to him but he ignored it. 

When he reached the kitchen he put you down. You were about to rush past him, though he was faster, gripping your waist tightly, sitting you down on a chair before yelling for someone to come to the kitchen and cook.

A hand securely on your shoulder to make sure you wouldn't try to run away again. 

Even though at this point, he knew you would probably just run back to Kakuchos room.

A man rushed towards the kitchen before asking what he should cook. Sanzu glanced towards you, nudging your shoulder lightly but you shook your head, mumbling out, "I'm not hungry!". You heard Sanzu scoff beside you but when he was about to do something Kakucho got a hold of his wrist. He pushed Sanzu away, shaking his head at him before settling down next to you. 

"You have to eat, (Y/N)", he said calmly, to which you only shook your head. "I'm not hungry", "I know you aren't but you still have to eat. The longer you won't eat the more your body will reject it later on. You don't want to end up in the hospital do you?"

"I don't care..", you mumbled, refusing to look at him. 

You really didn't. At the end a hospital was much more inviting than being kidnapped and stuck at a hideout. 

You heard him sigh next to you before he rubbed his temples, an stupid idea popping up in his mind but it was better than nothing. Standing up from his seat beside you, he told Sanzu to leave you alone until he comes back making Sanzu scoff at him. Kakucho just walked past him, disappearing from everyone's sight. 

"Where do you think he's goin?", Ran asked with interest lacing his voice, eyeing your hunched down back form from his sitting position. 

Before anyone could even say anything, Kakucho had already returned, your phone in his hands. He unlocked it, the password fairly easy to figure out before he went to your contacts, dialing a specific number. When he heard the other pick up he didn't even let him speak before telling him, "tell her to eat", the phone suddenly pressed up to your ear. 

"(Huh?... Huh?! (Y/N)? Where is (Y/N)?!)", "Nat..?", you mumbled into the speaker in shock, not being able to comprehend that you were hearing his voice. 

Tears started to gather in your eyes, getting a little emotional as you heard him alive and breathing.

"((Y/N), oh god (Y/N)! I'm so sorry... I'm so fucking sorry.. I couldn't stop them from taking you, Fuck!", you could hear him trying to stay composed but it was no use. You were in a completely different country with murderers, all alone and he couldn't do anything. 

"(I'll try to get you out of there, love! I swear I'll get you out of there! Then we can do the promised date night! And we can go to the amusement park like you wanted! We'll go on every roller coaster that you want, I'll win you every plushy that you want)", the tears started to silently make their way past your eyes as you didn't want him to worry, keeping your whimpers in. 

You were pretty emotionally drained as it didn't took much to do so. Nats soothing voice didn't help as he reassured you that everything will be fine. Telling you that in no time you will be back in his arms, telling you that he will make up for the lost time. 

After a brief moment he remembered what the first words on the phone were, 'tell her to eat'... "love, promise me to behave, alright? You have to survive. Sleep as much as you can, drink enough, eat properly, alright? Can you do that for me?", you nodded your head without realizing that he wasn't able to see you as you were focused merely on his voice, picturing him hugging you and cradling your head to his chest. 

"Enough talking", Sanzu suddenly said out loud, making sure that Nat was able to hear it too. Annoyed that Kakucho would even call that Bastard. 

Before he could rip the phone out of your hands you heard Nat say something that you have craved to hear for years, since the death of your parents, making a sob rip out of your throat as you clutched your chest. Hunching over as you let your tears fall freely, not even hiding the hurt you were feeling from being ripped away from your once normal and peaceful life..

"I love you.."

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