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"so, what do we got?", you asked, as Haruka was currently on the Laptop, going through all the data. 

You leaned on his chair, hunching over and looking at the laptop. 

"Lots of unnecessary data but I do found some interesting things. They wanted to ambush Bontens deliveries", "deliveries?", "Bonten gets drugs imported from overseas. They wanted to ambush the container ship and blow up the whole thing", "what else?", "they had figured out some of Bontens Hideouts. Already made plans on how to proceed to get inside those and blow those up as well", "they were way ahead of us all", you said. 

Your eyes carefully scanning the info that was presented in front of you. 

"They even found all the spots, where they could get each and every executive out of the way. Starting with the number 2 and 3", "the strongest..", "get them out of the way and it's gonna be a chill walk through the park to get to Mikey", Haruka said. 

"They even have a list of all the partners, connections and money incomes", you said, pointing at all the names that were listed there. Finding even Madame Rouge on the list, even though, as far as you knew, she still wasn't officially partnered up with Bonten.

"crazy", was all you mumbled before taking the phone and dialing Sanzu. He took the call rather instant, his voice excited before you cut him off, catching him off-guard with the way you spoke, "(Hi, there Angel-)", "We got all the Data and Info and it doesn't look too good. Have you found the traitor?" Your tone was the one of authority. No time for chit chat. 

Haruka snapped his fingers, gaining your attention, before he pointed at the display. You walked closer to the laptop, seeing your name across the screen. 

You were on the hit list.

But why?

"(We have found three potential people-)", "alright, ask them about the plans of bombing up the container ships and the hideouts. Ask them where they got the info about you and the other executives, the spots you hang out etc. And ask them where they know from where Mikey resides, thats all! Call me immediately back when you got something!" 

Not even giving him the chance to answer back, you hung up. 

Sanzu looked at his phone in slight shock as he and the other executives were currently at a empty warehouse, the three possible traitors in front of them. "What happened", Ran asked, as he saw Sanzus shocked face. "Angel was talking the entire time in english and with such a tone. I don't recognize her", Sanzu said as he furrowed his brows, a slight pout almost appearing on his face. 

"What do you mean?", Kakucho asked as he walked closer, looking at Sanzu in confusion. "I.. I don't know.. how.. how to explain it", Sanzu said rather unsure. Shaking his head, he sighed before popping a pill and turning towards the three men. 

"I have a few questions for you!", he started, walking in front of them. 

He crouched down to be at the same height as these men, who were currently tied up and kneeling in front of him. A maniac grin appearing on his face. "So, I heard a few things and each one of you will answer! Alright?"

Shortly after, your phone rang, Sanzus name appearing on your display. Haruka was outside, taking a smoke and checking the area. You on the other hand was sitting on the laptop, trying to find some more info. "Yeah? You got something?" Sanzu put you on speaker, eyeing the now bloodied whimpering men, "(they don't wanna talk. Saying they don't know shit)", he said, lazily eyeing the phone. 

"Am I on speaker?", "(yeah)", "y'all can hear me right?" Sanzu looked at the men, "(answer her!)", he snapped. The men whimpering and stuttering out some yes. "good good. Is there an Itsuki?", you asked, eyeing the list of men that were working under Baipā. Dumbass had also a list of people he had snuck into Bonten. Hearing one of the men hum in a wavering voice, you continued, for once having no shame and no ounce of empathy in your body, "you have a beautiful kid." 

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