༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 25༒

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You were wrapped around in blankets with an arm tightly wrapped around your body.

You were awfully tired but still tried to open your eyes, shifting a little around. "Please... let's stay like this", you heard him say, his voice muffled as his face was pressed against your naked back. You let out a sleepy chuckle, "I don't wanna get up myself", "then don't..", he said before nuzzling more into your neck, giving your skin a soft peck. 

"Let's sleep some more", he suggested making you hum in agreement. Though it didn't last long as you awoke from his unpeaceful slumber, the nightmares haunting him every night, which wasn't new to you but you still wished that he would find his peace soon. 

Twitching in his sleep and almost whimpering, you turned around in his arms to press yourself further against him making him tighten his grip around you, waking him slightly up, "(Y/N)?", "mhm?", "thank god...", he mumbled making you perk up.

"What?", "I just had a nightmare", "I could tell-", "about you and Ann...", "oh... what.. what was it about? You wanna talk about it?", you asked getting slightly up and shifting around so you were sitting on his lap, making him wrap his arms loosely around your hips. 

"I keep seeing Ann getting killed as you know... but this time I saw them taking you with them. Ripping you away from my grip...", "those men?", "no... Bonten", he muttered. 

His face shifting to an unreadable one. "They're gone..", you reassured, "just like those other men. They won't be able to hurt us anymore." Nodding his head, he gripped your arm and pushed you down towards his chest, wrapping his arms securely around you. For some reason though.. you were doubting your own words but Nat didn't give you time to think about it as he started to stroke your back, his fingers slowly creeping downwards.

Nat had taken you out on several more dates after your date and night spend together, and if you were honest, you didn't even want him to go back to his own home anymore as you enjoyed living with him. 

The atmosphere between you two was calm and peaceful. 

Whenever you would come home from work he was already there, food ready, cuddled up with your cat on the couch. He was getting more and more used to the missing presence of his daughter as it had been two months now. Two months of you two living together in comfortable companionship. 

And he was thankful! Thankful for your presence, in exchange, of his gone daughter. 

You hat made it easier for him to cope with his loss and healing process. Never leaving him alone for too long with his thoughts. Holding him when he felt at loss again. Reassuring him that he isn't alone.. not anymore at least. 

You two often drove out towards the forest, bringing flowers and fixing up his daughters self made grave. 

Though despite all that, there was just one thing that even your boss couldn't understand nor your friend, you both weren't officially together yet. 

You always dismissed it as 'too early'. Even though whenever you two were out, everyone who saw you two, would believe that you two were a couple. You didn't mind though. You wanted him to fully heal, wanted him to be as fully ready as he can be before devoting himself to a new relationship and a new chapter of his life.

"Sooo, y'all have another date night tonight?", Nami asked, grinning at you, happy that you finally got someone you got along with and seemed to like. 

"Mmh, that's at least what he told me", you said, currently cleaning the cash register as it was getting dusty again from all the clothes around you. "Ah, I'm so excited-", Nami cut herself off as your phone rang. You took a glance towards it, a message from Nat popping up on the display.

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