༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 59༒

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"When we're done with him you're gonna be next", Sanzu growled next to you, gun swinging from his fingers as he eyed the tied up unconscious Gang Boss. 

You giggled, "jealous much?", he instantly turned his face towards you, his face dangerously close, "watch your tone or I'll make sure you choke on your words", "would prefer your hand around my throat more but this'll do too", you teased back. 

You still weren't down from your performance high, giddy and riled up. The hungry eyes of the men in front of you earlier were everything. What riled you up even more though, was knowing that they wanted you but not letting them get what they want. You had control of the situation and that was exciting to you. 

Sanzu scoffed a grin appearing on his face, "If you want me to bend you over just say that, Angel. You know I'll gladly do so!", "Maybe later", you laughed. 

Shortly after, Mikey and the other Bonten Members, entered the warehouse were you two were currently waiting at. 

Mikey eyed your Outfit. 

You had slipped the dress back on and the Fur coat, while the others took care of the Boss and his gang members. Now here you stood, Mikey coming closer, his fingers tracing the hem of your dress. 

"Pretty", was all he mumbled before taking out something to eat, settling himself down on a box nearby. 

"So, shall we wake him up?", Sanzu laughed before smacking the guy awake.

You were standing beside Kakucho, watching the way Sanzu was toying with the Man. His kneecaps were completely smashed, cuts and bruises littered his skin as he struggled to contain his sobs and pleas. Apparently it wasn't just them trying to get bigger and overthrowing Bonten but rats who managed to get into Bonten, stealing Information.

Plans of torturing and getting rid of the Bonten Executives.

Definitely the wrong gang he chose to mess with. 

"Just tell us who those little Rats, working for you, are! so we can get rid of them!"

The Man shook his head before sobbing out, "she is, she is." You instantly deadpanned. The entire time you were neutral, not feeling bad nor good for anyone as you tried to stay out of it. It wasn't any of your business anyways but that shit? 

That shit sounded more than ridiculous. 

Rindou scoffed, Mochi letting out a loud laugh, "That's the funniest shit I've heard in a while", "same", you snorted. "What a low blow", Ran said, eyeing the man while Sanzu let out a maniacally laugh, "That is indeed a low blow, accusing our little Angel. How dare you?!" Before the guy could react and brace himself, Sanzu stomped onto the Guys dick, a painful scream erupting out of his chest, especially when Sanzu started to press further down, rubbing his shoe on it. 

"What happened? I thought you wanted to have your dick played with? The way you were touching and eyeing our Angel. I really thought you're gonna wet yourself on the spot for her", Sanzu laughed mockingly. The guy was still screaming, tears falling down his face as he apologized over and over again. Though Sanzu, just kept laughing, asking him again who the rats were when the guy suddenly crawled to Sanzus shoes and pleaded to let him live. 

The more words spilled out of his mouth, the more your head started to hurt. Sudden flashbacks of you lying on the floor, covered in yours and someone else's blood, passing through your mind. 

Letting out an exhale before deciding for yourself, you saw enough, you, without another word, left the scene. Walking out of the warehouse into the fresh air and breeze of the night.

"You good?", Kakucho asked as he went after you, a little concerned about you suddenly walking out. "The flashbacks hit a little too hard", you chuckled softly, turning towards him. He came closer to you, adjusting your coat so you would be completely covered, shielding you from the cold wind. 

"Should I drive you home?", "it's still so weird to me when you say home", you mumbled. He looked at your rather unreadable expression, as you fiddled with your hands. "It's fine though. I just need a bit of fresh air", you smiled up at him. "Alright! But tell me if you want to go..", he said, turning around to leave you alone and give you some time for yourself. Before he entered the warehouse though, he turned his head slightly, a rare small smile adorning his face, "you were amazing tonight", making your cheeks feel warm. 

"Thank you", you said back, watching him disappear into the warehouse. 

You turned back towards the sky, the moon shining beautifully against the city lights when your attention suddenly went back down. Looking towards the trees in the forest as you heard shuffling and twigs breaking, you went into an alarmed state. 

Quickly turning and jogging towards the entrance of the warehouse you weren't fast enough as someone already managed to grab you. Letting out a scream you kicked your heels off your feet, towards the entrance. The thud loudly echoing inside the warehouse, making the executives instantly pull their guns. Hearing you screams and another thud, from you literally throwing the second heels towards the door, Kakucho and Akashi were the first to run out. 

Seeing you struggle against a man and his tight grip on you. 

But before anyone could even further react, a smoke bomb was thrown inside the warehouse and in front of Kakucho and Akashi. You desperately tried to fight the dude off as he practically dragged you away with your hands behind your back, pulling you closer to his chest. Throwing your head to the front and instantly to the back, you smashed his chin, successfully loosening his grip on you. 

Kicking him away, you ran towards the smoke, disappearing in it and bumping into Akashi. 

He almost shot his gun but saw it was you, grabbing you by the arm and pulling you away. "Fuck", he coughed, "there's fucking smoke everywhere. How many did they throw?!" 

You both tried to make out anything but before you or he could take a step further, he got knocked out. Turning around to catch the culprit, you barely had time to throw your hands up in a defense stance.

A bat swinging your way. 

You groaned from the pain that shot right trough your left arm, knowing damn well you're gonna get a fat ass bruise. Kicking the guy away, you heard shuffling behind you. Turning swiftly around you were grabbed from behind, not noticing that there was another guy hiding in the smoke when you saw a third one appear, bracing yourself for the hit on your head. 

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