༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 82༒

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When Kakucho entered the Apartment, it was quiet and dark es ever. 

Normally, whenever he came home, you would still be awake. No matter how late it got by the hour. You would still be awake, waiting until he arrives. Eating with him and then go to bed, telling you about his day. 

It was strange in a way but a part of him loved it. The subtle care you showed towards him made his heart feel at ease. 

Though this time, the apartment seemed strangely empty. Dark, cold and silent. 

Checking his phone, he wondered if you messaged him without him noticing. Maybe you went out? But his phone showed nothing, making him panic. 

He looked around, walking down the hallway of the apartment towards the bedroom. Creaking it slightly open. 

A sigh of relief left his lips when he saw your sleeping form on the bed. Taking a few cautious steps towards your form, it still made him wonder though, why you went to bed so early when you usually wait for him. Worry settling in when he noticed your tear stained face upon a closer look. You were practically clutching the life out of the pillow next to you. 

He knew he shouldn't have assumed that you were fine again. 

Everyday seemed messier and messier. 

Your emotions were all over the place and he didn't know what to do. 

With another sigh, he made his way towards the bathroom. He thought about taking a shower first and then eat something but his mind drifted to your sleeping, crying form. Not wanting to loose anymore time and leave you alone, he quickly took a shower, put on some joggers and walked towards the bed. 

Carefully settling himself down behind you and gently throwing his arm around your waist, he pressed your back closer to his chest. Giving you a soft kiss on the back of your neck, your body, subconsciously, visibly relaxed. 

A gentle flicker of pride swelled up in Kakuchos chest. The ability to calm you down, even in your sleep, was making him feel prideful and good. 

He liked that, in a sick type of manner. Knowing that you were subconsciously depended on him. 

Though on the other side, he felt guilty once more. 

Once upon a time, when he first met you, a confident independent woman stood in front of him. Cheeky and snarky remarks spilling out of her mouth. Kind and yet when she's nervous, a lot of words spill out of her mouth that do not make sense. Humorous yet vulgar at times. 


Now he held a crying girl in his arms that was crumbling to pieces. Holding onto the fake comfort he was giving her until Mikey was satisfied. Kakucho indeed felt guilty. Guilty that he was giving you false comfort while equally driving a knife into your back until you had no other choice than to clutch onto him and ask him for help. 

He was a sick bastard and he knew that. Yet he was glad he didn't reach Sanzus level yet. 

Though probably, in your eyes, he pretty much stood on the same step of the level if you would ever find out...well, If you would ever find out. 

As Kakucho was breathing in your shampoo, he nuzzled his nose into your neck. 

He may have lied when he said he loves you. He may have lied when he held you in his arms and told you everything will be alright. Shit, he had lied all the time around you, if he was being honest. But all those lies.. he felt them crumbling. He felt himself doing something he shouldn't be doing. 

He caught himself looking for you. 

He realized it today. The thought of coming home to you and waiting for him was making him feel warm. The conversation about you two having kids together made his heart swell up. The thought of you being his, made his cheeks flush and the thought of you needing him, being only his, was making his heart rate speed up. The thought of you being ready for him and only for him.. made the tips of his ears red. 

Fuck.. he felt himself falling for you and maybe the shit he said wasn't a lie after all? 

Or was it something else?

Maybe it was the thought of Ran wanting you too. 

Maybe it was the thought that Koko needed you too. 

Maybe it was Nat waiting as your future boyfriend and maybe even potential husband at home, for you too. 

Or maybe it was Kazuya, your childhood friend and love, that was bringing hell upon earth to get to you and get you back too. 

Possessive? Maybe a little bit. 

Kakucho had lost so much in his life, that he truly wasn't sure if loosing you would affect him in any way, at this point. He liked to believe that it would affect him, cause if he was being honest, he would be damned If one of them got the chance to wake up to you like he does. Or go to bed with you, like he does. In a sick way he was glad and almost happy to know, that something had happened between you and the others, that made you so depended on him. 

You weren't seeking out to the others, at least not like you were doing before. No. You were actively avoiding them right now. Confiding in him when you felt troubled. seeking his warmth and comfort. The false love he was giving. 

Though something tonight, felt different. 

You felt.. distant.

You didn't turn around, subconsciously, hugging him back. That should've been his first sign. Even though you had visibly and significantly relaxed in his arms, you were still far away. Too far away from him. 

Since when have you been so distant? 

Has it been since that one night where you stood outside with Rindou? 

No.. earlier.

Was it when he left you with Koko? 

No, no... it was even earlier. 

Was it when you met Kazuya? 

Yeah.. it was when you met Kazuya. That one time you slipped away once more from their grasps. That one time you managed to get a taste of home and freedom, in Kazuyas arms, again. The tingling feeling on the tip of your fingers as you reached out to their enemy, a man that gave you real comfort and warmth. A man that reminded you of your bright childhood. 

Kakucho wrapped his arms tighter around you pressing you even closer, if that was even possible, to his chest. 

He wanted to be your home. 

He wanted to be your comfort. 

He wanted your fingertips reaching out for him and only him. 

He was falling for you, despite all the lies he had told you. He was falling for you, despite telling himself that he shouldn't. He was falling for you, despite you being nothing more than a tool. Something for their satisfaction and to play around with until they didn't need you anymore. 

So why.. why did he suddenly needed you more than you needed him? 

The answer was as clear as the night sky. The moon shining into the room, reflecting on your dull skin and tear stained cheeks. Your mouth slightly agape as puffs of air left your lips. His eyes studying your face as he hovered above you slightly. 

Yeah, the answer was as clear as the night sky.

He was falling for you. It was you... you who he was



Authors Note

Also, I just wanna point out once more, since it seems like people forgot that or haven't seen it, but the ending is already written. I don't take plot ideas and suggestions. The entire story plot is already thought through and the ending is literally already written and sitting in my drafts. Please no more comments about the plot! It is making me feel slightly pressured and I keep writing the chapters "out of character" and deleting them cause it's not what I had in mind and not what my story and I stand for!

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