༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 17༒

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The day was quiet as you slowly grabbed the things from the counter. 

Taking your water bottle and your phone before yelling, "I'll be going now!", to Nami. Making your way to the common room. 

She was quite mad at you, if she was being honest. You were hiding things from her and she didn't like that one bit. First, you didn't text her if you got home safely that day. Second, when you did finally call the next day, you seemed so distant. She could tell that something had happened.

She gave you a few days off, despite not knowing what was going on. Wanting you to take the time to yourself and collect yourself. 

To say the least, she was not amused when you came into the shop, two days after, like nothing happened. On top of that, she could definitely see that you had a problem with your leg and no amount of hair from your bangs or make up, could hide the nasty bruise that was peeking on your forehead. 

It had been a couple days now, probably four or so and since then she threw worried glances towards you. After refusing to give her a clear answer on what exactly had happened and practically shaking her off, she decided she had finally enough. Accepting defeat from the fact, that you wouldn't give her an answer nor tell her what went down and why you're hurt, she lied to you.

So she simply told you that it wasn't much to do today and that she didn't really need you right now for work as you would just 'stand around', according to her. Sending you home earlier. 

You grabbed your stuff from the common room, walking back to the cash register as you saw Nami standing there. Approaching her with careful steps, as you didn't want to pressure your leg too much since it wasn't fully healed yet, after all, you did got stabbed.

"are you sure I shouldn't come in tomorrow?", you asked. 

She almost aggressively, shook her head, "nope! Nah! I'll call you tomorrow to let you know if I need you to come in the following days or not!"

You sighed out, fidgeting with your hands. You knew why she was doing it. Knew that she was keeping an eye out for you from afar, taking care of you despite not her needing too. It made your heart swell though. A small smile appearing on your down casted face as you remembered what she had told you once before. Never having doubted her before but now you were even more sure.

She would be a great mother one day.

Knowing how much Nami wished to have her own little house and family. Her forever wish to have at least two little children running around, not worried if it would be more than two. Taking her role as your parental figure quite serious, despite the little age gap. 

You lifted your head and looked up at her, giving her the purest smile, "Alright.. If you say so!", before you went and hugged her, mumbling a small thank you. Catching her off guard. 

She felt her eyes sting as she quickly hugged you tightly back. Burying her face into your neck as to stop herself from crying, "just do me a favor.. and go straight home..", she mumbled. You reassured her you will but when she straighten her back and grabbed you by your shoulders, you saw how important it was for her, "I mean it! Go straight home! I'm worried about you", her voice cracking. 

"You pretend like everything's fine. Like everything's the same. But you're different, you act different. You act strange. You seem so absent.. so.. distant", she said, her tears falling past her eyes as she poured her worries out. 

You never meant to hurt her like this. Never meant to make her go through that type of pain, knowing how much you meant to her and how much she saw you as a little thing she had to protect from the cruel and harsh world.

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