༒Q&A Pᴀʀᴛ 2༒

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Part 2 of the Q&A

Question 1

will Bonten and the other (ex-)Toman members cross paths (soon)?

not really, that would complicate my plot I think

Question 2

will (y/n) meet other Cast Members of TR? New characters that you have in mind that may be introduced in season 2?

I don't have any planned so far but I also don't think I will add any

Question 3

whats gonna happen to the tense relationship between (y/n) and the Bonten Members? Will it go smooth or will it be a love-hate relationship? Will Mikey ever turns soft for (Y/N)?

this is something you have to find out yourself🤭

Question 4

on a scale of 1 - 10 does the Bonten Men, 'care' or 'love' (y/n)?

at the current moment I would say, a solid 5-6 some a little above like 7

Question 5

Any Mikey x (y/n) Moment? still waiting for the date. Is Mochi a potential lover?

every Bonten member is a potential lover & will be included. No one will be left behind! I just like to keep a steady pace & have a more realistic character approach to the relationships. That's why for example Ran was at the very beginning cause I see him like a total charmer & bold approacher while Akashi was at the rather end of the book cause he's more rational & calm when not provoked. Obviously this is just my view point and it varies from person to person and reader to reader!

Question 6

Is Mikey still on his plan to break (y/n)?

maybe, maybe not, who knows 🤷🏼‍♀️

Question 7

why is Mikey a Bitch? are we going to make Mikey OUR bitch?

Ask Ken Wakui ;(

Hmm.. 🤔 idk

Question 8

will (y/n) take revenge? will (y/n) become a gang leader stronger than Bonten? Dark Impulse (y/n)?

I think in the last few chapters I made a personality trait of (y/n) pretty clear. She's not the type for revenge. She can get very irrational & impulsive. Can get very mad easily when the wrong buttons are pushed but when she calms down she thinks rationally again, even to the point of feeling guilty & emotional. All she wants is peace & quite & I think thats a pretty strong stance & statement by itself & a good answer for the questions!

Question 9

will (y/n) get another cat?


Question 10

will you reveal a pic of (y/n) tattoos?

of course! I promised this actually a while ago but haven't gotten to it yet. I will re-upload the outfit chapter & I will include the tattoos in it. I'll take the little break to actually update the Outfit chapter! So look out for that! ☺️

Question 11

will we see (y/n)s past in season 2?

Yes yes yes! 🤞🏻 I did include bits & pieces of her past in the story already, if you paid close attention to it you already have a sorta look out on it but we're gonna get definitely more flashbacks & memories of her past!

Question 12

is (y/n) gonna be pregnant in the future? If yes, who would be the dad?

I'm not gonna write about pregnancy in my story, thats something you can imagine after the ending. Honestly speaking, I don't know why but I always skip pregnancy ffs & one shots because for some forsaken reason they make me so uncomfortable.. I don't know why 😭 like reading this stuff makes me feel all iffy.. Its weird.. I KNOW 😭 but if I would change the question up to, who could be a potential baby daddy or who I would choose to be a potential baby daddy, I feel like Kakucho would be the best option & for some reason Mochi.

Question 13

will Inupi or Kazutora interact or date (y/n), again?

of course there will be more interaction, would be weird if I just randomly put them in my story & then stop mentioning them 😄

Question 14

Haruka one shot or special chapter? Sex with Baipā? Baipā x Haruka x (y/n)? will Haruka or Baipā die?

🙅🏼‍♀️ read the story 🙅🏼‍♀️

Question 15

what does Madame Rouge look like?

When I created Madame Rouge I had a good mixture of those two people in my mind!

When I created Madame Rouge I had a good mixture of those two people in my mind!

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