༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 83༒

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Blood was on your hands, dripping down on the floor, pooling around your bare feet. 

To be more exact, it was Kakuchos blood that was staining your hands and the floor. 

He was breathing heavy. His body on the floor as he was trying his hardest to speak to you but all you heard was white noise. Your hands trembling as you watched his figure bleeding out. 

The knife in your hands, falling from your hands as you suddenly started to run. 

You were running and running until you reached a forest. A dark forest. 

Barely able to make out your surrounding, you ran through it. The thick tall trees acting like a shield from the sky and the outside world. 

Shadows. Shadows and ghosts around you as you ran past them. Familiar faces. Your Mom. Your dad.. Nats little girl. Nat. Kazuya.. Your friend..why your friend.. Nami.. Nami? Kakucho.. 

You were breathing heavy. The air around you making you feel suffocated as you kept on running. Stumbling over branches as your naked feet carried you. Not even able to think where you were running to. Running past another shadow. 


He was muttering a name over and over again. 

You kept running until you reached the end of the forest. A light blinding you when you abruptly halted. Mikey.. 

He stood atop corpses. A lot of them. Like a hill made of corpses. All the corpses of familiar faces. Inupi, Draken, Ran... Rindou.. Sanzu.. Chifuyu.. Nat.. what? 

Clutching your head, you let out a scream, a scream that no one was able to hear as you were hyperventilating. Mikey turned to face you, a sick twisted cheshire grin on his face when he faced you with a gun. The bullet going straight through your head. Blank.

"Wake up! (Y/n)! Wake up", Kakucho was yelling, trying to shake your screaming form awake. You woke up in cold sweat. Eyes dilated as you looked at him bewildered and in shock. Your mouth dry. 

He looked at you in worry, trying to hug your disheveled form, "calm down.. you're with me. It's just me. I'm here!", though he didn't expect you to forcefully push him away from your body.  

Stumbling out of the bed you rushed towards the bathroom, locking yourself in, as you pressed your back against the door. Sliding it down and cradling your head in your hands, you heard many muffled screams in your head.

Why.. why is this happening to me? Why is all of this happening to me? 

A cruel joke. Thats what all of this was. 

"(Y/n), talk to me! What happened?", Kakucho asked, knocking on the bathroom door to get your attention but all you did was mutter something underneath your breath. Trying to drown out the screams in your head and mind. 

He sat down on the floor, running his hands through his hair as he leaned his forehead against the door. "(Y/n), please talk to me! I'm here to listen!", he said softly, feeling awful, knowing that you sat on the other side of the door instead of confiding in him. You were too distant. And the more time went past, the bigger and bigger the distance got without him noticing it. 

He knew Mikey wasn't gonna be happy about that but did he really care? He felt himself caring less and less about Mikey and his plans but caring more and more about your well being. Cursing himself out for slipping up and thinking about work when you were literally on the other side of the door in disarray.

"I...", he shot up, pressing his ear against the door when he heard you speak up, "I had your blood on my hands...", "it was a nightmare... (y/n), I'm here, alive and breathing-", "it felt good... it felt too good", you muttered underneath your breath, staring defocused into nothingness. Though Kakucho was able to hear all of it, despite your muttering, since the apartment was too silent. Now, way too silent as his eyes widened at what you just revealed. 

Revealing something to him that made his blood run cold. 

You were loosing it.

"She has currently locked herself in the bathroom", Kakucho said on the phone. On the other line, Akashi, "(so you think she's gonna go on a murder spree?)", "I don't know! I'm barely able to get through to her. I wouldn't be surprised if I don't wake up the next day!", "(you scared?)", "no-", "(ah~, you're worried for her and scared you have to kill her at the end, right?)"

Kakucho sighed as he knew that Akashi was right. 

He didn't want to resolve the issue by having to kill you. Cause he knew for a fact that nobody thought of the possibility of you loosing it to the point of no obedience and no control. 

"Fuck..", was all Kakucho muttered underneath his breath. throwing his head back in stress. 

"(It is quite troublesome indeed. We have to resolve the issue quickly before it gets out of control)", "but how?", "(bring her and her cat to me. I'm barely at home anyways, maybe the distance and alone time will do her good)", "wait wait wait, what do you mean-", "(she clearly needs time for herself to herself. Us being constantly around her like buzzing bees isn't gonna do her good. We obviously can't get her, her own apartment or hotel room as it is too much of a risk of her running away. You're always around, ain't no way we're leaving her with Sanzu. Koko is way too clingy towards her and Rindou lives with Ran, who's a menace to society like Sanzu. Only options left, Mochi and me. Mochi is currently too busy to watch her so it's only me)." 

Kakucho knew that Akashi had a point. Maybe you did need some time alone to collect yourself again. With a sigh, Kakucho reluctantly agreed. "(I'll be at yours in 20 minutes! Don't try to lure her out and let her calm down. I'll do the rest myself)!"

Akashi stood in front of the locked bathroom door while Kakucho packed some things for your stay at Akashis. 

Akashi knocked on the door, "hey, it's me Akashi. If you don't come out of the bathroom I'll take your cat!", huffing you opened the door, looking up at him with a pout and a frown on your face.

Your eyes red and puffy, sniffling like a little kid. 

He looked at you for a moment before he sighed, one hand tugged into the pockets of his trousers as he ushered you towards him with the other hand. 

Shuffling towards him, he hugged you with his free arm before patting your head. "Get dressed, you're gonna stay for a while at my apartment. No one who will bother you and no one will disturb your peace. Alright?", nodding your head, you went ahead, dressing up and washing your face. 

After a while you were done, Kakucho and Akashi already waiting at his car. 

Your cat per usual on Akashi's lap. Nuzzling himself comfortably on his lap for the ride. Kakucho kept his distance, more like, Akashi told him to leave you alone. He bid you softly goodbye when you sat down and closed the door. Your eyes glued to your lap. Without another word, Akashi started the engine, driving towards his penthouse apartment. 

He reached out a hand, patting your head in a comforting manner, "don't worry, you'll feel relaxed in no time. Just sleep, eat and be as lazy as much as you want to be! I'll take care of the rest, alright?" 

You nodded your head, thanking him softly before you watched the sun rise. A new day starting, yet you couldn't get the previous day out of your head as the words of the police officer kept echoing in your head.

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