༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 26༒

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Nat was speeding down the streets, your text ripping him instantly off work. 

He should've known. He should've known that the emergency call was bullshit, utter bullshit. He should've listened to his gut feeling. The weird gut feeling that something wasn't right. 

No matter how many weeks had past, he couldn't fully relax and devote himself to you, cause something always kept him on edge. And no matter how often you tried to reassure him, he couldn't calm down. 

Now look where it brought you two. 

Even when he reached his work place. His co-workers were a bit confused but didn't mind an extra hand. He didn't want to sound bothered and since he had reached work, he couldn't just leave right away again. 

Though when you suddenly texted, his mind suddenly went blank. Complete panic settling in his system. 

Nat was speeding past the red lights. Not caring at all since all he could think about was you and your well being. He was praying that you're fine. Praying that he wouldn't loose you too. He knew he wouldn't be able to handle this. He would loose it.

His mind drifted to all the different people who could've do this and every time.. every single time... his thoughts ended at Bonten. 

He really didn't want to believe it. 

You reassured him.

You both were sure that they were gone and you two naively believed that as well. He thought, no he believed, that they would've left you alone, would've lost their interest but now... he knew it was delusional arrogant thinking.

You were gorgeous! 

In a spawn of a few days you helped him hold himself together, helped him go through the grieving part of loosing his daughter. 

Fast forward to having spend weeks with each other, he wanted nothing more than be all over you. So of course they wouldn't let loose of a gem like you. Foolish thinking, foolish foolish thinking.

He wanted to beat himself up for that.

You on the other hand, was shocked. Not knowing what to do, you took a few steps back. Your back hitting another chest behind you. 

Looking up, you saw Kakucho staring down at you. Your eyes locked, an unreadable expression on his face. He saw the slight fear flash through your eyes but all he did was ignore it. His eyes blank and unreadable. "what... what are you doing here?", you asked, trying to sound stable and reassured but Kakucho could tell, that was all an act. 

You were clearly nervous. 

"we missed you", Sanzu grinned, your gaze shifting towards the pink haired man. "That's... great.. I thought you were gone", "oh, we were...", "okay?", you frowned, hesitation in your voice. They saw your breathing pattern get uneven. 

You tried your hardest to stay composed but it was hard. It felt like the first time, where you actually got caught off guard and you didn't like that. The feeling of having no control over you and the situation was making you anxious. 

Or maybe.. your reaction wasn't based of the fact that they were suddenly here. 

But for the fact, that you knew Nat was on his way. Driving right into danger and his possible death. 

Yeah.. that was making you anxious and nervous. Fidgeting in your spot. 

"...but we came back to get you", he laughed, his gaze not leaving yours. You paused for a solid second. Letting the words sink in and when you're instincts suddenly went into fight or flight modus. Almost automatically, you started running. 

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