༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 69༒

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Koko stared at your sleeping figure beside him. 

As soon as you both were done in the bathroom, he dressed you up and brought you to bed as you denied dinner. You had immediately passed out as soon as your head hit the pillow. He though, was still wide awake as he was watching your face, taking all of you in. 

His eyes occasionally shifted to your lips, recalling the way they felt against his own, his hand reaching out to trace them with the tips of his fingers. 

His gaze momentarily shifted to your hair, your roots growing out, the length of your hair reaching close to your shoulders now. A flash of a different face, crossing his mind. A hallucination. He shook his head, blinking his eyes as he tried to get rid of the image of her. You weren't her! Something he repeated over and over in his head. Reminding himself that you were indeed someone else and not his past lover. 

Letting out a sigh, he turned on his back, staring at the ceiling. 

His mind drifting towards tomorrow. He was gonna take you out shopping, trying to cheer you up some more with this. Woman usually loved shopping and spending money. And after all, he had all the amount of money he could wish and ask for. Not that it was enough. Koko needed money like Humans needed air to breath.

Money could buy him everything and anything he ever wanted and asked for. The Situation he once was in, traumatizing him in a way, he never wanted to deal with again. Money could've bought her life. So money would buy you too.. right?

He noticed you shifting next to him, his eyes locking with your awakened now. "Did I wake you?", he asked in a whisper. Shaking your head, he turned towards you fully. Making himself comfortable as his body was facing you again. 

He reached out his hand towards your hair, tangling his fingers between your hair strands. Loving the way you instinctively nuzzled your face against his palm. Your action making him subconsciously lean in, nuzzling his nose against yours. 

A soft giggle escaped your lips, his heart thumbing in his chest upon hearing that. 

"I'll protect you", he suddenly whispered against your lips, your eyes locking once more with his. "I mean it! I'll protect you and make sure you're well taken care off. None of them will touch you ever again"

He sounded so determined but all you could do was stare at him. He almost had to cringe at his own self as he was sure he sounded like a little kid. Remembering his past self, before all that happened. He sounded exactly the same. Like his past younger self.

Yet you didn't know that. You knew nothing of his past nor why he had made such shallow promises. You tried to play it off. Tried to pretend that you felt happy with what he said, yet you couldn't bring yourself to mutter out even a single word. Not like you had to as he didn't even notice your silence or your empty gaze towards his shallow words. He was too self focused. 

Too self focused with himself to notice your emotional absence as he muttered underneath his breath, "I'll be damned if I loose you too!" And you had almost missed it.. you would have missed the little sentence if it wasn't so extremely quiet in the room. So quiet you could've heard a needle dropping in the next room. And yet, he was too self focused. 

So self focused, Koko failed to notice that he had said his thoughts aloud. Failing to notice your intense stare on his form. Questions over questions popping up in your head. 

He shifted his attention back to you, caressing your face before he captured your lips with his, catching you off guard. A sudden act of love and 'romance' almost forced upon you. You could tell that it wasn't an act towards you but an act for himself. An act that was supposed to be a reminder that it was you in front of him and not her. Though you didn't know that yet and Koko didn't want you to know. He never, ever, wanted you to know that. He would be damned if you would ever find out. 

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