⚠️🔞༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 11༒🔞⚠️

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Akashi shook you awake.

Fluttering your eyes open, you noticed that you had fallen asleep on Rindous shoulders, who had his head turned away from you. Clearly pretending to be annoyed with you. 

Looking to your right, you saw Ran, who was also fast asleep. Mumbling something to himself as he adjusted his position, subconsciously. Turning your attention back towards Akashi, you shifted in your position slightly to sit up, leaning towards him with a curious expression. 

"we're here! I'll accompany you.. for obvious reasons!", he stated. It took you a moment to realize what he had exactly meant when Kakucho decided to interrupt, noticing that you were still a little spaced out and sleepy, "we're at your apartment!"

To be fair, it wasn't his idea to drive to your apartment. Reluctant with the idea, yet Akashi managed to somehow convince him while you were fast asleep in the back. Even Rindou wasn't too fond of the idea, wondering why they were doing this for you anyway. It made truthfully think if they were some type of charity organization now. 

Nodding your head, you turned towards Rindou. For obvious reasons as Ran was still asleep, beside you and you didn't wanted to wake him. Looking at Rindou in anticipation. He clicked his tongue in annoyance before opening the car door and getting out, letting you out after him. Akashi followed after you, getting out of the car with your cat in his arms who was like everybody else, fast asleep. 

Without another word you two walked inside your apartment complex, making your way towards the elevator and patiently waiting for it. 

As soon as the elevator arrived and the doors slid open, you both entered. 

You still felt tired. Leaning your forehead against Akashis arm, who stood beside you, you closed your eyes. Shifting your weight slightly so you wouldn't drop it all on him. "You can take your time", "aren't they gonna be mad?", you croaked out in a low tone, as it was the first thing you had said after your 'nap'. 

"Cute that you care what some criminals might think", Akashi chuckled as you shrugged your shoulders at that statement. "Guess I'm that type of person", you simply replied.

"what do you mean with 'that type of person'", Akashi asked curiously, eyeing your head as he couldn't see your face from the way it was almost pressed against his arm. "This will, probably, sound weird to you. Maybe even dumb to you but whatever.. I just.. I always try to see.. some 'good' in people. Trying to see the 'positive' things in situation", you started.

Shifting a little, you straightened your posture. Now standing normal, you looked up at him. "I kinda try to learn from the situations I face.. No matter how fucked up they might be. You probably heard a few things about me. Considering that you got a decent amount of info about me." He attentively listened to your words. 

A little fascinated, to say the least, from your general view about things. 

"I had done a lot of shitty things in my younger days. Some are justified and some aren't. I'm honestly not proud of most of them. Ending up in a lot of situations I could've avoided, if I had simply acted different. Yet, after all that, I weirdly still try my best to see the good things in everything and everyone. So, coming back to the 'I'm that type of person.. Call it naive, dumb or just plain brainless, I don't care.. I'm just that type of person", you said. 

Akashi looked at you, letting your words sink into his mind and digesting them, he opened his mouth to ask a question that had been lingering in the back of his mind. 

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