༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 100༒🔞

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//TW:// Suggestive Theme🔞//

Harukas gaze never left your body as you walked back and forth through the hotel room. 

Torada, in the meantime, was outside taking a call with Mikey.

"Take a Picture, it'll last longer", you teased, not sparing a glance towards Haruka as you put on your pearl earrings, noticing that he has been watching you all this time. "You know what, I might as well do so", he said, taking out his phone and taking a candid picture of your form.

Though beautiful wouldn't even be enough to describe the picture nor you. 

You stood in front of the window that showed Tokyo behind you, the moon and city lights illuminating your figure perfectly, while you were slightly bend over, hovering above the table. Taking a lipstick from the table, the moment Haruka took the picture.

Your side silhouette beautiful as your freshly bleached hair, that was styled in glamorous waves, cascaded down one of your shoulders and your face, like a curtain. Your perfectly freshly manicured black long stiletto nails, you could stab someone with, reaching out for the lipstick. The pearls decorating your neck, dangling slightly above your collarbone while the black strapless dress with a slit so high, it went up to your waist, showed your bend leg that was decorated with suspenders and sheer thigh high socks. 

If you squinted your eyes, you would be able to see your black panties peeking through. 

Haruka had so much respect for you and self restraint, that he really tried his hardest not to pounce you on sight. How could he not, when you looked this ravishing in front of him. He decided to be an absolut dick though and send the picture to all the other executives, including Mikey. 

If he had to suffer, he would make them suffer too!

Almost immediately the responses came flooding in. Who could blame them. Sanzu felt his dick harden, groaning as he slouched against his office chair, throwing his head back and brushing his hair away. 

Akashi and Koko were in a sorta daze, looking at the picture as if Haruka managed to capture a real Angel on photo. Your white hair almost illuminated in contrast to the dark behind you and the black dress. 

Rindou and Kakucho secretly made the picture their Home Screen Wallpaper. 

Rindou and Ran fantasizing about tracing their fingertips against your soft skin. 

Mochi looked at the picture with a soft fond smile on his face as he slouched against his chair, his eyes tracing carefully every part of your figure and Mikey? 

He felt his breath hitch, stuck in his throat as he witnessed your form. The urge to break you, getting bigger and bigger. If he broke you, would you always wear dresses like this for him? 

You had to, he thought, you would do anything he says. Obviously. 

Haruka was slouched against the lounge chair of the hotel room, his head leaned against his propped up arm as he ignored all the incoming messages and continued to watch you. "You not gonna reply?", "and miss a second of you! No chance", "charmer",  "only for you", he said, a small smirk on his lips as he lit his cigarette and like true to his words, he didn't even look away once. 

"The way you behave, you make me believe you want me?", you chuckled. "I have too much respect towards you but I won't lie, if you would sit down on the table and spread your legs, I wouldn't hesitate to pounce you", he admitted. 

You felt warmth spread over your body as you stepped in front of the table now, turning towards him before lifting yourself up and sitting down. 

Harukas eyes sharpened as he watched you attentively. His throat instantly going dry when he saw you slowly spreading your legs. "Like this?", you asked. Voice low yet teasing. An almost fake mockery on the tip of your tongue.

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