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Utter silence as everyone stood in shock over your burned corpse. 

Koko was in a crouched position, head in his hands as tears were streaming down his face. He kept shaking his head. Denying that it was you. Akashi had his back turned towards everyone, silent tears cascading down his cheeks while Mochi just stared blankly ahead. 

Kakucho stood above your corpse, letting his tears free fall. 

The trio, Sanzu, Ran and Rindou were trying their hardest to keep their composure while talking to their subordinates. Telling them to get your body and do an autopsy. 

Hopefully getting a clue on who did this to you, a revenge they would bask in. Bathing in the blood of the once who hurt you in delight. 

Haruka stood on the sidelines, silently watching the commotion unfold in front of him. 

It was almost theatrical to him. The care they showed now, never shown when you were 'alive' next to them. He could almost scoff. The good thing is, that Haruka always kept a neutral, stoic expression. 

Having him put less effort in pretending that he was sad when in reality he was just waiting for a message from Baipā. 

An opening, a opportunity to leave and get the fuck outta here. He vowed to you that he would follow you wherever you go and he's a man of his words. At this point, also Baipā laid his trust in him. Promising Baipā that he would keep you safe until he comes.

His thoughts got interrupted when Kakucho approached him and patted his shoulder, "I know you're not taking it too well. You two became best friends.. you can take a couple days off", before Kakucho continued making his way to the parked cars. Haruka had to suppress the grin that was about to appear on his face.

Everything was going accordingly to plan. 

The other executives walked past him when he stopped Sanzu, asking in a sad mumbled tone, "when... when will the autopsy be done?", "usually in 2 hours but we probably have to wait for lab results, so I would say a day...", "thanks", "no problem.."

Sanzu really tried his hardest to keep his composure but anyone could tell how red his eyes were from holding in his tears. Haruka almost felt bad.. well, almost. In the end he had seen you already in different situations, from good to bad. 

His loyalty for you was deeper than for anyone else. 

With a nod, he also made his way towards his car and as soon as he sat down, he drove away, dialing Baipā. 

"(Pizza Plaza, what can I do for you?)", "We have a day until they figure out that little miss fried chicken isn't Princess!", "(A Day?! Shit, I thought we would have a bit more time, damn.. well, no problem. Even if they find out it's not her, we can still transfer her away from Tokyo for the time being until we got the plane tickets and the apartment set!)"

"you sure?", "(believe me and trust me! My men are working non stop to get everything ready as quick as possible! I'll think of something on how you can stall them without raising suspicion)", "you didn't forgot about me, right?", "(I have found an apartment complex for you and her! You can be neighbors! I didn't forgot you, you promised me you will look out for her until I come. I'm holding you for that!)", "good! I'll come see you tonight. Text me if princess needs something! I'll get it for her!", "(alright, see ya!)"

"One day...", "don't worry about it! We'll find a place for you to stay at for the next few weeks! If I think about it, I had a good friend of mine near the countryside. He has a massive old Japanese house, lots of free rooms to house in", "you sure?", "he never says no to me!", Baipā grinned, making you raise a brow at him. 

"He's an old man. He found me on the streets when I was a little boy. He took me in and raised me when I had lost my family at the time. He's like a father figure to me...", "oh...", "that's why, whenever I'm in trouble, he always helps me out as much as he can!" 

You nodded your head in acknowledgment at him, happy that he had someone who took him in.

It doesn't surprise you that by nature, he had a kind heart despite being a criminal. 

"I'll call him, check if you can stay at his for a few weeks until everything's settled! Maybe I can get you out of here tonight. The faster the better, right?!", he exclaimed before grabbing his phone and disappearing into another room to call the man he was talking about. 

You sat patiently in the living room. 

Baipās house was huge, definitely showing off his wealth and luxury. His house mostly in white and gold, making it pleasing to look at and live in. Nothing for your matters though as you liked it more cozy. Huge houses never made you comfortable. Too much space, too much room. If you were lonely, a huge house made you feel it. Reminding you each and everyday that you were lonely.

After a few minutes, Baipā returned, smiling in delight when he told you that he would drive you to his pops tonight. 

"Do you know anything about Haruka?", "he's fine! He will come by tonight and then afterwards, when he's gone, we're gonna be on our way, alright?", nodding your head, you stood up, "want something to eat?", "you're gonna cook?", "I'll try!", you laughed before making your way towards Baipās kitchen, him following. 

You both waiting for Haruka to visit.

On the other side, it didn't look as delightful. Ran was in his office drinking his brains away, while Sanzu was sprawled on the couch, drinking as well. Both men, sharing pills to get rid of the image of your burned body. 

"Angel...", Sanzu muttered in almost desperation. Rans heart ripping in half when he recalled the last beautiful memory he had with you. The kiss you two shared on the couch before Haruka interrupted you two. 

The executives couldn't believe it.. it has been almost 4 weeks now since they last saw you.

Since you got shot and disappeared.

Finding your burned body now was just too cruel. Believing that this was karma. Punishment for all the sins they had committed. Punishing them for having taken you for granted, realizing too late that you meant more to them than previously thought. 

Feeling your distance was already hard enough for them but loosing you? 

That was their downfall. 

Each and everyone of them, had the same crossing thought. If they could, they would turn back time to have you in their arms just one more time. Doing everything better, so that you wouldn't have to be cautious of opening your heart to them.

That you could just freely do and say what you wanted, without any of them getting irritated or angry.

If they would get one more chance, they would spoil you rotten and never let you go. They would keep you always close, not leaving your sight once. 

Too many times they had turned an eye, leaving you by yourself when all you wanted was company and comfort. It dawned onto them how you never asked for anything. 

You had wanted your own allowance that you could spend your own money, even though they could've bought you anything you wanted. You wanted a phone, so that you weren't dependable and could call them in need. 

Yet they never answered.

All you ever truly asked for was a hand to hold, arms that hugged you and a shoulder to cry on. Yeah...

If they would get one more chance, they would swear on their life, they would treat you better.  

Something they knew they should've done before.

Something that was far too late now.

Authors Note

Me: *googles in incognito mode how long a body burns and how long an autopsy takes, to not raise suspicions as to why I'm googling this type of stuff*

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