༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 31༒

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"So.. (L/N)?", "hmm?", you were currently munching your food, your cheeks plumped up like the ones from a chipmunk, almost making him laugh. 

You tilted your head, looking at him with wide eyes in expectation, while still trying to chew the food in your mouth. He cleared his throat, not trying to get distracted by your cute looks, "as you know we got info about you", nodding your head in acknowledgment you hummed a yes, "but I'm just curious about a thing, it kept bothering me", nodding and humming the same way, you urged him to continue. 

He wondered if he should just straight up ask you or if he should just start a simple conversation with you, sneakily asking you about it. He decided to do both. "I can't get the fact outta my head that you flashed your boobs", he laughed, making heat rise up to your cheeks in embarrassment. 

With a full mouth you started to whine, "I was drunk~?!", "how drunk?", "very...", "who called the cops on you?", he asked, leaning in closer, his chin resting on his palm.

"A dude. He walked passed and I yelled 'woooooo', flashing my Tiddies. Thing is, he didn't call because of me flashing my Hakuna Matatas but because he thought I was on drugs and ready to jump him", Kakucho started to laugh once more, the situation too hilarious for him. 

"But were you on drugs?", "No~! I never did drugs", you truthfully said, taking a gulp of your drink. "Hmm? You never did drugs? But why did you had them?", "ah? Oh.., I kept them for my friend because the police was over at hers. She used to smoke but we both were literally idiots back then... obviously they would check me next", you snorted at your own stupidity back then. 

Kakucho nooded, "yeah, that was actually pretty dumb", "I know~", you whined again.

"You and your friend are close to each other, right? It was the girl from the club I send home, wasn't it?", you hummed in agreement, "I know her since my childhood. We did a lot of shitty stupid things that were pretty funny though. Crazy shit", you laughed. 

"Tell me", he said, smiling at you but you waved it off. 

"Probably too boring in comparison to your childhood", "You think so?", "Mmh, let me guess..", you suddenly said. 

He was a bit hesitant cause you were odd and your behavior switched often. Sometimes you would believe that a fucking dumbass was sitting in front of you, sometimes someone who was irrational and impulsive and sometimes you got a glimpse of something deeper. Someone who did calculated steps, but it was so hard to catch that glimpse of you, as you were moving and talking effortlessly over it. 

Kakucho was cautious about you, yet he welcomed the warmth and kindness in your eyes.

 "Alright.. what do you think about my childhood?", "hmmm.. so you lost your parents early.. That scar is probably from an accident that was connected to your parents loss. 

You don't seem very close to the others.. meaning that you probably had someone else you were with when you were younger, lost them in some way and now you don't let anyone get closer to you since it's not 'the same'. 

Probably trust issues as well. But since you are the no. 3 of Bonten it does mean that you knew some of the members beforehand. 

I assume, since you are a gangster, you met them through other groups when you were younger..

 Also, I feel like, if it wasn't for some sort of influence of someone else, you wouldn't be here today. You seem nice and kind, maybe even emotional? I don't know but I feel like you would've just been a regular dude, doing your day to day daily life tasks but not being an actual gangster. Someone fucked up your childhood..", you mumbled the last part before taking another sip of your drink. 

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