༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 46༒

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It has been a few days since the 'incident' at the Haitanis Mansion. 

You were back at Kakuchos, doing nothing in particular as he had left you alone and even told Mikey to give you a bit of time. 

Ran hasn't told anyone what had happened but apologized for the inconveniences to Mikey even going as far as telling Kakucho to tell you how truthfully sorry he was. A rare sight even for Rindou as he never heard his own brother apologize.

Kakucho told Ran to give you some time and maybe he'll get the chance to apologize personally to you. 

Little did they know that you were actually fine again. Not even minding if Ran would stand in front of you. It wasn't like you just shrugged it off but it wasn't you to dwell in this stuff and let it fuck you up. Even telling Kakucho about what had happened made you feel so much more free. The chains and restraints gone. 

You were always forgiving. Forgiving others not for their actions but for yourself to be in peace and feel in peace. You never forget though, getting your trust was hard, regaining it was even harder but that's who you were and you wouldn't want it any other way. 

Having dealed with too much, it was the safest way for you to not get hurt again.

 You heard Kakucho entering the apartment while you were currently in the kitchen in a shirt and panties, your hair messily up in a half assed bun as your hair was too short, strands falling out. 

He was definitely surprised to see you up, "You're up?!", "Mmh, i mean it's like afternoon already", "afternoon already? For the past few days you have been sleeping the whole day away, waking up for an hour to eat and then you went back to bed", he said, making his way over to yours before giving you a kiss on the temple, making you feel flustered. 

"You have been so affectionate lately..", you mumbled to which he only shrugged, "just want you to know that you're not alone, I guess", "you... you don't have to you know-", "but I want to." 

The way Kakucho had made your heart race, over the past few days was getting more and more unbearable. Guilt creeping up in your chest as you kept recalling your main plan, recalling the calls with Nat, recalling how he told you how much he and Nami missed you. Telling you how he isn't able to sleep and how your best friend and Nami had been crying everyday, calling out for you. 

Your heart was aching and Kakucho made it harder for you. His affectionate gestures slowly getting to you. Trying to tell yourself everyday that he was doing this for Mikey, to gain your trust, to get under your skin, nothing more and nothing less.

He noticed how your face dropped slightly, "go back to bed, you really don't need to stress yourself-", "when will I get a job?", you asked, interrupting him. Trying to get your mind off of your own thoughts.  

"What do you mean?", "I thought Mikey was looking for things I could do", "eh.. y-yeah but you.. ehm you don't have to.. you can relax..", Kakucho was caught off guard when you asked him that. 

"I'm bored! All I do is lay in your bed, do nothing, eat and sleep! You kidnapped me but I feel like I'm a jobless and homeless person, living rent-free in your apartment for the time being! Bro! I feel like our next conversation will be you snapping at me to finally get a fucking job cause you can't keep doing this, or some shit." 

Kakucho looked at you, finding your thought progress quite interesting, not knowing what to say or do cause,"that's certainly a weird way to put it", "you call it a weird way but you know I'm right!", you said, pointing a finger. 

He sighed, "are you sure you're alright?-", "Oh my god, Kakucho! I truthfully appreciate you being worried but it's been days! Days. Are the others even still alive?"

"Alright.. if you say so. But there's no backing down! You do understand that it's not something you do while you currently have nothing better to do. If you back down there's only one option and it's death. We will kill you if you betray us, we will kill you if try to run, we will kill you if you fuck up your job. Are you ready?", he was serious, a stoic look on his face while his voice was laced with authority. 

You looked at him in a bit of surprise, studying his eyes. 

He was bluffing and you knew, you fucking knew but he didn't. He didn't know that he was easily readable. He didn't know that you looked past his little speech. You knew he was bluffing, because you finally saw and got the confirmation you needed and waited for all this time. You had him wrapped around your finger. 

A smile dancing on your lips as you stared straight back at him, "Who do you hold me for? You think, I'm one to back down on my own words? Kakucho... you're about to truthfully get to know me!"

"You do know that we will kill you, Angel. If you fuck up that is", Sanzu grinned down at you. 

You were currently at the HQ of Bonten, sitting on the couch, Sanzu next to you. His arm was lazily thrown on the backrest behind you, his fingers every now and then playing with your hair, stroking your head. 

"You Do KnOW ThaT wE wILl kiLl yOu, bEh BeH bEH", you mocked. 

In a Swift motion he grabbed your hair and pulled your head back, a threatening under tone lacing his voice "Angel-", "harder Daddy!", you fake moaned, laughing when you saw Sanzu getting caught off guard and flustered. 

"Please take it to the Bedroom you two", Akashi appeared, telling you two while Mochi laughed behind him, Koko entering as well. Kokos gaze instantly met yours, walking up to you and sitting on the other side of you.

"You alright?", he asked in a rather soft voice. 

"Yeah, thanks for asking", you smiled back at him, his hand finding it's way to your thigh, resting it gently on it. Sanzu continued to massage your head, tangling his fingers in your hair. He loved the softness of your hair, loving how you slightly leaned your head towards his warmth, clearly enjoying the way he caressed your head. 

"You two can't keep your hands to yourself, huh?", Akashi said, sitting down on a lounge seat, pulling out a cigarette. "Wanna join?", you asked, wiggling your eyebrows at him.

Akashi let out a light laugh, "I'll pass, I rather catch you alone", "Uuuuuuh! Akashiii~", you playfully 'flirted' back. Soon Mikey, Kakucho and the Haitanis entered, everyone taking a seat. Ran looked at you, his eyes getting soft, guilt swimming in them, he wanted nothing more than to apologize to you. 

When you locked eyes with him he suddenly got anxious, a feeling he never felt before. 

You saw how nervous he got, the others may not noticing but you definitely did. You both looked at each other, the room around you two silent as if only you two were in it. His heart skipped a beat and suddenly stopped when you looked at him and gave him the most sincere smile he ever saw. 

Fuck... I think i fell for her...

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