༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 114༒

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Inui and you were sitting in his bathroom, a bowl of hair dye on the bathroom sink while Inui tried to neatly part you hair. 

"Are you sure you want me to do it?", Inui sweat dropped making you smile up at him, "I trust you and to be honest, even if it won't come out that way, I bet it will still look good!" 

He sighed before the door bell rang, making you look up at him in worry. Afraid that Bonten has tracked your phone and is now standing here but your mind eased when you saw Inui smile down at you. 

"Right on time!", he said before disappearing from your sight. 

Patiently waiting, a big smile spread across your face when you heard the voices of Draken, Kazutora and Chifuyu. Even hearing some new voices you haven't heard of before. 

Standing up from the stool you were sitting on, you shuffled outside and was greeted with Inuis friends. Upon seeing you, Kazutora practically rushed towards you in excitement and hugged you, lifting you up a bit. "As soon as Inui said you were here, we had to come!", he smiled, when Chifuyu appeared, practically prying you away from Kazutora and hugging you himself. 

"Greedy bastard", was all Chifuyu muttered to Kazutora who on the other hand looked offended back at him.

You laughed at their little antics before releasing your hug from Chifuyu and going up to Draken. He gave you a comforting hug and patted your head before you turned towards the newcomers. Greeting them one by one and introducing yourself. 

So now here you were again, in the bathroom, Mitsuya, Chifuyu and Inui behind you. Kazutora in the bathtub, sitting there and watching you four as Takemitchy and Draken stood at the door. Draken with his arms crossed, leaning against the door frame with amusement written all over his face. 

"I'm a stylist not a hair dresser", Mitsuya exclaimed, scratching his head. Chifuyu looked at Takemitchy, "didn't you had a friend who's a hairdresser?", "yeah, Akkun! I can call him!", "guys, just... dye my hair! Theres not much to fuck up! My hair color is almost white, see it as a canvas and just paint!" 

"Very poetic, (L/N)", Draken laughed making you laugh too, flipping him off. 

Inui on the other hand was happy to see you so relaxed and smiley, not like you were an hour ago. He could almost pat his own back for his idea of calling up both of your friends. 

You're probably wondering, why he did it. 

Simple.. he wanted to remind you that you do have friends. That you do have people who care about you and that you aren't alone. 

You're never alone. 

"Eh, I don't know (L/N)! Maybe we should call up Takemitchys friend!", Mitsuya said, eyeing the amount of hair dye boxes you and Inui bought at night. "What are you so worried about? We're not gonna fry my hair off, just do it!", you ushered. 

With a sigh, he looked at Inui and Chifuyu who both just shrugged before he decided, 'fuck it', let's do this. Chifuyu decided to join Kazutora in the bathtub, sitting down in it and pulling out his phone. 

While he was playing around in it, Draken and Takemitchy decided to prepare something in the kitchen to eat. Inui and Mitsuya, working on your hair. 

After approximately, 30 minutes, they were done. Kazutora almost half asleep while Chifuyu was still on his phone. 

"Okay, we gotta leave this stuff in for at least 20 minutes, after that we will check if we can wash out the hair dye and then we're gonna proceed with the hair cutting and styling.. to which I still think we should call up Akkun!", Mitsuya said with a bit of worry but you just shook your head. "It'll be fine!", you said. You stood up and went to Kazutora, shaking him awake before you all went to the kitchen, excited for what Draken and Takemitchy had prepared before literally diving into the food. 

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