༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 40༒

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Hanma grinned, cupping your jaw with one hand as he pulled you closer, deepening the kiss. 

Your tongues interwinding, dancing with each other as he held you close, occasionally squeezing your hip with his other hand. 

His lips travelled down towards your jaw, down to your neck, leaving kisses on his way. Your skin soft against his lips, your scent intoxicating him in a way he didn't thought it would. The fact that you were eagerly playing along, peaked his interested if he was being honest.

He didn't thought that you would just easily let your kisses do the talking, moaning softly when he sucked on a spot on your neck. Biting down on your soft skin before licking it to sooth the stinging. 

"What an interesting little girl you are", he mumbled against your neck, pushing your body closure to his. 

The urge to feel you wrapped around him getting bigger and bigger. 

When you heard shuffling though you instantly perked up, pushing him slightly away, your eyes wide in alarm. He looked around, a hand instantly going towards his gun. It wouldn't surprise him if Ran already found you, since you were his 'precious'.

Little did he know that it wasn't only Ran but the whole Bonten gang but that was something later for him to figure out. 

In an instant he took a hold of your wrist, dragging you behind him once more. You looked behind yourself trying to see if indeed someone was there but as soon as you turned a corner you lost sight of the shadow that came forward. 

Ran and Rindou looked at the pair of shoes in the alleyway, the pair that Rindou bought you. Sanzu and Koko joined both brothers shortly after. 

"Where is she?", "She was here, let's go further", Rindou replied, the four men walking down the alleyway. 

He was pissed, pissed that you were so slow to catch up to him. Pissed that you let yourself probably get kidnapped. Pissed that you didn't even try to yell for 'help'. But he was pissed off the most about himself. He should've kept a fucking eye on you. He should've kept you close by.

Cursing under his breath he caught a glimpse of your transparent dress rounding another corner. 

He knew you weren't dumb enough to try to run away from him and the others. So without loosing a second thought he instantly started running. 

Ran and Sanzu after him. 

Koko instantly called the others on the phone. Informing them of your possible whereabouts. 

Reaching the streets, Hanma kept pulling you towards a black Dodge Charger SRT. You had an eye for that due to your father. When you were smaller he would always have you close by when he was working on cars, that way you learned all the different types of cars and not only that.. 

You also knew how to break into one. 

Opening the door he quickly pushed you in, closing the door before jogging towards the drivers seat himself. "Let's take a trip, shall we!♡︎", he grinned.

Hanma had his free hand on your thigh, occasionally squeezing it as he was speeding down the streets. The feeling giving you butterflies. You were a sucker for small touches like this, obvious but not so obvious touches, almost comfortable once that don't seem like a big deal but actually made your heart flutter as they were small gestures that made you weak in the knees. 

Even though you didn't knew the man beside you, excitement filled your stomach.

You felt like a kid that was doing something it shouldn't. And technically you were right, you shouldn't be currently with Hanma, a complete stranger, in the car to god knows where.

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