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"Hey... Nami.."

"(Y/N)-", you heard her stifle a sob, your own eyes tearing up upon hearing it. 

"I miss you...", she silently sobbed into the phone. You felt your heart rip into pieces, you never meant to hurt her like this.. never meant to make her so worried for you. The entire time you were afraid to call her, afraid of the confrontation. 

You knew that was a cowardly move.

Hearing her sob like this on the other end of the phone made you realize how foolish that was of you. Bub rubbed his nose against your fidgeting fingers, a silent sign that he's here for you. A silent sign of comfort. 

After a while of her crying upon hearing your voice, and you giving her some time, she calmed down. 

"How.. how are you? Are they hurting you?", "no, it's alright. I know it sounds bizarre but I'm currently living with one of them for the time being.. I got a new phone and my own money, I'm partially working for them now...", "that's why the new number..", "yeah..", "so.. you're gonna stay with them?", "Huh?", the question confused you.

What did she meant?-

"you're practically living with them and getting settled.. I wouldn't be surprised if you get your own apartment soon and start fully working with them...", she said, her voice hoarse and quiet.

She didn't mean to sound bitter. She was actually relieved that you weren't majorly hurt or anything but that you were actually fine. Though she couldn't help overthink the whole situation. You living with them and working for them, not sitting right with her for obvious reasons.

"I'll be back soon!", you softly answered. Erasing all her doubts. "How?-", "I got a plan... that's why I'm working with them, that's why I'm gaining money right now. I just need more patience and time and I'll be back soon!", "they'll find you-", "they won't, I'll make sure of that!"

Sitting sprawled out next to Koko and Rindou, both men were playing on their phone while the others were out, doing something. 

Letting out an exaggerated sigh, you readjusted your sitting position and in a swift motion, you planted your head onto Rindous Lap. The man grumbling above you in, what you could tell, fake annoyance.  

With a sigh and an eye roll, you sat up again and switched towards Koko, he fortunately didn't mind. 

His hand instantly went to your hair, running his fingers mindlessly through it. If you were a cat you probably would've purred right now and soon you even felt your eyes getting heavy from his soft caresses on your head. 

Falling silently asleep. 

Kokos gaze shifted down at your form, his breath momentarily halting as he gazed upon your face. 

You were undoubtedly beautiful and he knew that everyone could see that too, a frown appearing on his face. Rindou side eyed him, noticing the frown on Kokos face, "what's with that face?"

"I don't like our next mission..","why? Aren't we basically doing what we always do?", "yeah, while getting one of our prostitutes to do the job of distracting our target and dancing for him. Not (Y/N)! She doesn't even know about the mission yet. It's too dangerous, she'll probably get herself killed in the process. Fuck, she probably can't even properly dance for the men yet alone distract them while not trying to let her attitude slip", Koko ranted. 

"pretty concerned about that too", Akashi suddenly appeared from behind them, gazing at your napping form on Kokos lap and agreeing with his ranting.

"She has attitude issues. She doesn't hesitate to talk back to any of us, even Sanzu who has no temper whatsoever. I don't think another gang member will keep her mouth shut!" 

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