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"...so, this guy came in, talking about 'your girlfriend is in the hospital'! I was so confused cause, we're not together and he kept saying, 'you're girlfriend (Y/N) is in the hospital! I told him we aren't together! I obviously had to immediately rush here! You should've told me you were shot!" 

'Ouch...', was all you could think of as Inui was talking to you, smiling. 

Obvious to the ache in your heart. 

It was delusional of you to think that an Angel like him was your boyfriend. You knew that. Yet you hoped you were wrong for once in your life.

Inui kept talking, telling you how his day at work was, asked how you were doing, told you about the past weeks since you two have seen each other. Yet he avoided to ask what had happened, where Bonten is or why you had been shot in the first place.

It frustrated you, especially when he took your hand and kissed the back of it, his lips lingering as he softly told you, that he's 'glad you're alive' and that he had 'missed you'. 

In a moment of silence between you two and you embarrassed to ask in general what was going on between you two and where he saw you two in the long run, your heart almost jumped out of your chest when you shrieked loudly from the slamming of the door open, to Baipā and Haruka standing there, panting like they ran a marathon. 

Both, you and Inui, looked at them in shock and confusion.

Now play it back, what had happened? 

The moment Baipā and Haruka had talked on the phone, they proceeded to meet up. Obviously in secret, cause Bonten, enemy gang.. you know. 

Haruka was mad, as he couldn't even pretend that Inui said that for his own safety and yours as Baipā mentioned that, quoting it word for word, 'that motherfucker looked dead confused'. So now they sat in Baipās car, thinking about ways on how Baipā can swoon you and pretend that Inui is in fact your boyfriend even if he isn't, in fact, your boyfriend, when Baipā suddenly received a call. 

He took the call, the call connected to his car speakers as his subordinate started talking, "sir, a man appeared in the hospital to visit (L/N)", making both Haruka and Baipā instantly alert.

"Who?!", "his name is Inui Seishu, sir!" 

Both men froze when Haruka snapped the next second, "stall him until we're there! You hear me?!", to which Baipā started to speed down the streets. Both hoping they would make it in time to prevent you from getting hurt or embarrassed. 

Though standing there, Haruka and Baipā noticed they were too late. Haruka instantly noticing your fidgeting finger habit.

"Fuck... too late..", Haruka mumbled to Baipā. 

Inui looked at the two, before clearing his throat, "ehm, I think I should go now! I'll see if I can visit you this week again-", "no need, I'm gonna be discharged in two days anyways..", you said, sounding a bit more harsh than you intended to. 

"O-oh.., alright... ehm, do you know where you're gonna stay now or?-", "I'm gonna stay at Baipās", you cut him off. 

Inui frowned, noticing your sudden distance towards him as you avoided his eyes. Your gaze trained towards your lap and your fingers, as you started to peel the skin around your nails. He was about to open his mouth once more when Baipā interrupted him, Harukas sharp eyes focused on his face, his look hard. 

"Shouldn't you go back to work? If I recall you were busy with something right?", making Inui scowl at him. "You're that weird guy from before!" 

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