༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 113༒

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The dinner, in Hanmas eyes, wasn't going too well. 


All because of you! 

He was annoyed with your behavior. The thrill and excitement you had given him before was switched up to annoyance and ignorance. 

You weren't fun anymore. 

The shimmer and light that you had in your eyes the other day, gone. Much to his distaste. So without dragging the night out further, as soon as you both were done eating, he walked out.

Leaving you to follow him like a damn puppy.

"Whats wrong?", you asked, noticing the change of behavior towards you. A laugh escaping his lips when he turned back to you. He lit up a cigarette and leaned his back against his car, "what's wrong? Whats wrong, you ask? Since when are you so boring, doll?", shocking you slightly. 

"What?", "you're boring, doll. Annoying and boring. You not getting enough dick from the executives anymore? Did they find other playthings? Is that why you're acting like this?" 

His words stinging, you furrowed your brows, "what the fuck is your problem?", "my problem is, that I thought you were fun. But you're boring, dull! You're like the shell of a fucked out doll!" You gulped down the lump in your throat, feeling like the universe was purposely trying to put you down today.

One kick after another. Thats all you had received today. 

A fucking punching bag. 

"What are you looking at me like that? Can't handle the truth?", he laughed before continuing, "get in the car. I'll drive you back to Bonten. Maybe you should ask them to fill you up, fuck you dumb and happy again. Then you can call me, you know, when your old self is back" 

He threw his cigarette away, walking to the drivers seat and getting in while you still stood there. Licking your lips and biting down on them, you started to chew on them again. Blood instantly prickling down as you had still wounds from the last time. Staring ahead, you blinked once and then twice before gulping down another lump in your throat, turning away and leaving. 

Hanma pulled down the window, "Oi, where are you going? Get the fuck back here, doll! Hey!", but all you did was ignore him, walking down the empty street before disappearing into the night.

You found yourself in front of Inuis door. Contemplating whether you should knock on his door or leave. Your heart heavy in your chest, as you felt like you should leave, not wanting to be a bother to yet another person as you seemed like to everyone else. 

Sighing, you turned around to leave when the door behind you opened, "(L/N)!", making you halt. 

You refused to turn around as you felt your eyes sting, "Sorry.. I.. I'm gonna leave!-", "I saw you outside, what happened? Why are you here?", "It's nothing-", "It's not nothing. I can see that it's not nothing!" Silence fell upon you two when you felt Inuis presence behind you. He lifted his hands to lay them on your shoulders, turning you around, making you instantly hide your face in your hands. 

You shook your head, "I don't wanna bother you! I'm so sorry..", you sobbed out as the tears finally let loose.

Inuis heart broke at the sight, taking you in his arms, "you never bother me", he whispered into your hair. Holding you tight against his chest. 

He carefully guided you two into his house, looking around before closing and locking the door, as he kept in mind who you were affiliated with. 

He settled you down on his couch, grabbing a blanket and wrapping you around it as he went to his room to get you stuff to wear once more. He didn't mind though, liking the way you looked in his clothes. 

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