A Day out with Lum!

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You are just waking up from your nap, until you feel someone glomping you! It was Lum.

(Y/N): LUM?? Aww, she's adorable when she's sleeping.

Lum: (in sleep) I love you Darling.

What's crazier, is that you notice she's not wearing the Tiger striped outfit she usually wears.

(Y/N): These are her bare boobies. (Gulp)

She then opens her eyes.

Lum: Hi Darling. How are you?!

(Y/N): I'm f-fine Lum. Thanks for asking.

Lum: YAY!!! Then let's go out on a date!!

(Y/N): Okay then!

And so...

You both are flying above the entire city together.

Lum: They look like little insects from down there! So small!

(Y/N): They'd be even more microscopic from space. If you could get that much farther.

Lum just giggled and decided to go to the top of Tokyo Tower, in order to get a nice view.

Lum: Imagine how it would be at nighttime. It would be so beautiful!

(Y/N): I bet it would be. Everything would be so spectacular. Actually!

You secretly use the Time Stone to go to nighttime!

Lum: How did you do that?

(Y/N): It's a secret Lum.

Lum: Okay! I'll take your word for it, Darling.

Then she kisses your cheek, and gazed at the stars.

Lum: I really want this to last forever.

(Y/N): Sometimes I wish that too.

You kiss her on the cheek, and she leans her head on your shoulder.

Lum: I love you, so much Darling.

(Y/N): I love you too, Lum.

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