Humilau City!/ Final Badge!

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(Y/N): Wow! We have a Alolan Styled City! Nice!

Misty: Alright! A beach!

May: I think this calls for some swimming.

Dawn: Yeah!

Hilda: Great!

Fluttershy: (Y/N), you don't mind if we-

(Y/N): Go ahead. I'm going to take on the Gym Leader, and you girls can just get some R&R!

Girls: YAY!!

Then, they revealed to have had their bathing suits underneath their clothes!

Then, they revealed to have had their bathing suits underneath their clothes!

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(Y/N): Okay! Have fun girls!

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(Y/N): Okay! Have fun girls!


You arrive in the gym, and have to hop across lily pads just to get to the Gym Leader!

You arrive in the gym, and have to hop across lily pads just to get to the Gym Leader!

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Marlon (Gym Leader of Humilau City! Seems to be the chillest guy in Unova!)

Marlon: Nice! You made it Dude!

(Y/N): I'm ready! Pikachu?

Pikachu: YEAH! Let's do this! Let me at em!

Marlon: Hahahaha! Okay! Let's rock!

He sends out Jellicosta!

(Y/N): Use Thunderbolt Pikachu!

Pikachu zaps Jellicosta but it recovers!

Marlon: See? My Jellicosta can keep going!

(Y/N): Is that so? Well, keep zapping Pikachu!!

The same procedure happens over and over again, until-

Jellicosta gets knocked down.

Marlon: Oops. I guess I forgot about how it drains energy after a number of uses.

(Y/N): Ha!!

Marlon: I still got Wailord!

He sends Wailord!

Marlon: Now use Rollout Wailord!

(Y/N) and Pikachu: AAAAAAAGH!!

Pikachu begins dodging!

(Y/N): Quick! Hit the blowhole with an iron tail!!

Pikachu: Oh! Okay!!

Pikachu whacks Wailord with iron tail over and over!!

Wailord then faints.

Marlon: Man, that's one tough little Pikachu! But I still have Carracosta!!!

He sends out Carracosta!

(Y/N): Fine. I'll beat you with- SAMUROTT!!

Samurott then comes out.

Both start clashing, and then Samurott uses Razor Shell, and slashes through Carracosta!

(Y/N): Looks like I win!

Carracosta collapses.

Once Marlon has his Pokémon go back in their balls-

Marlon: I'd say you're definitely ready for the League! Take the Wave Badge!

Marlon: I'd say you're definitely ready for the League! Take the Wave Badge!

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Wave Badge

(Y/N): YES!!! ALL 8 BADGES!!! Next stop, The Pokemon League!!!

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