Mecha Madness!!

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Rainbow Dash just looked out from the top of the mansion. 

Rainbow: UGH! SO BORED!!! Some Saturday this is. I mean, there's nothing fun to do right now! No bad guys, no killer robots, no aliens, no ANYTHING!!! I mean, from what I heard, there's a lot of fun to go around here fighting evil. We got a whole criminal organization to worry about that they're not doing anything yet! And one of their strongest guys is burnt to a crisp. I might as w- 

She then notices a portal. 

Rainbow: Huh?! What the?! What's this?! 

Out come robots. 

Metal Tails 

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Metal Tails 

Metal Tails 

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Metal Amy 

Metal Knuckles

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Metal Knuckles

Rainbow: WHAT THE?! Are those robots of Tails, Amy, and Kn- 

Then one zips past her, it was Metal Sonic. 

Rainbow: Okay, now you're just a Sonic knock off. 

Metal Sonic made a glance. 

Rainbow: What's that? Do you want me to point out where Blue is? Sorry, but that's not going to happen. 

Metal Sonic then directs his metallic friends to attack. 

Rainbow: WOAH!! 

She jumps just as they boost towards her, causing them to bump into each other. 

Rainbow: Okay hopefully team Science knows what to do here. 

And so... 

She bursts through the door, where currently Twilight and Tails are. 

Rainbow: BAD NEWS!! BAD NEWS!!! 

Tails: What happened this time Rainbow Dash? Did you and Sonic overeat on chili dogs again? 

Rainbow: That was a very very bad choice, but this time it's- 

All four robots knock her into a wall. 

Rainbow: Them. 

Twilight: What the? Are those robotic versions of- 

Tails: AGH! METAL SONIC?! AND THAT'S A METAL ME, AND A METAL KNUCKLES, AND A METAL AMY!! How did Eggman get the technology to do this again? 

Twilight: Wait, isn't he that fat scientist that you mentioned? 

(Y/N): Okay, seriously, can we get a break without some robot menace or anything else bursting into our house? 

You knock all four robots down, and clone yourself to step on them. 

(Y/N): Seriously, these robots are really getting annoying. It's like Eggman and Wily just love to send robots over and over again. Yo, Twi, Tails, can you try and get an answer on this? 

Twilight and Tails: RIGHT!! 

They both start doing some research and experimenting. 

(Y/N): As for you gu- WOAH!! 

They start to attack, only for them to get tripped. 

Sonic: Ha, sorry metal heads, but you're too slow. Hey, RD, need a hand? 

Rainbow: Uh ... no. I'm fine. I- 

He pulls her out. 

Rainbow: Okay, fine. Thanks, Blue.

The two then rush towards the robots, all while everything is being recorded outside.

And those who are watching ... well ...

Eggman: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, this is too rich. 

Wily: I agree. That was a smart move getting those robots together. But what about- 

Eggman: All in due time Albert. Besides, our Egg Bosses- 

Wily: You mean Skull Bosses. 

Eggman: Egg Bosses. 


Eggman: EGG BO- 

Bass: WOULD YOU BOTH SHUT THE FUCK UP?! I can't even hear myself think with all of your bickering. 

Eggman and Wily: SHUT UP BASS!!! Skull Egg Bosses! Perfect! You're a real genius! Now, Orbot, Cubot!

Both of the robotic assistants arrive. 

Orbot: How may we be of service, Boss? Er ... Bosses. 

Eggman: Assemble the others! 

Wily: And make it snappy! 

Cubot: You doggone got it Docs! Me and my pardner here will be faster than a one eyed jackrabbit running past a dagnnbabitn turtle! YEEHAH!!

He then leaves. 

Eggman: UGH! His voice chip is all over the place again. 

Orbot: Though it does add some entert- 

Eggman and Wily: JUST GET MOVING!! 

Orbot does so. 

Oh boy, what could these two be up to now? 

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