Dazzlebooms!!/Making New Friends!!

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Both you and Jack are attending the practice of the Dazzlebooms (Combining the Rainbooms and Dazzlings).

(Y/N): You girls do a band?

Twilight: That was a while back.

Rainbow: Yeah, the thing is, we kind of got into a big fight about it.

AJ: Yeah, Dash here said it was "her band."

Rainbow: You're not going to live that down are you?

AJ: Someone needs to remind you when you start getting that ego lifted.


AJ: See? Jack gets it.

(Y/N): Oh! You know, I always wanted to hear someone play this song!

You show the song.

Sunset: Wow, this looks pretty tough.

Twilight: Hmm ... OKAY!

Fluttershy: This looks like a nice one!

Rarity: Mind if I-

Girls: NO!! You're fine like that.

Rarity: Okay okay. Whatever you say.

She grabs keyboard guitar.





You were talking with Kinue right now.

Kinue: Is it true? OH MY!! EEEEEEEE!!!

(Y/N): Are you going to get overly excited everytime I bring home more girls, Mom?

Kinue: Yes!! Please! I have to meet them! How do they look like?

(Y/N): Well-

You soon got a few messages, or pictures showing what the girls were up to!

(Y/N): Let's see what we h- Oh! Is Twilight reading with Blake? Aww, that's cute!

Kinue: She looks cute! And you say she's a princess?

(Y/N): Yep. And then here's her sister, who is actually a genius!

You showed Sci-Twi who seemed to have befriended Bulma.

Kinue: Two smart girls I see!

(Y/N): Yep! Looks like it! She's really checking out the Dragon radar there.

Kinue: Awww!

Another picture showed AJ and Rainbow apparently getting along with Ryuko.

Kinue: I suppose Tomboys stick together.

(Y/N): Cute ones to be exact. Though, I wonder if-

Another picture showed them freaking out.

(Y/N): Yep. They heard him.

Next picture was literally Pinkie and Nora.

(Y/N): Oh brother. Those two are going to drive everyone insane. Especially when they-

Then you noticed they were drinking coffee.

(Y/N): Oh holy crap.

Kinue: Oh don't worry, they should tire themselves out.

(Y/N): Yeah, and- AWWWW!

You noticed another picture was Fluttershy doing a selfie with Hinata and Orihime.

Jack then noticed.

Jack: I knew Flutters would get along with them!

(Y/N): Sheesh, you seem fine about Orihime making a new friend.

Jack: It's three pure girls hanging around. Besides, Orihime already might have comforting skills. She hangs around Rangiku after all.

(Y/N): Yep! You got that right!

Then you noticed a few more pictures, which also had Sunset hanging with Yang! Though then you saw the facepalm.

(Y/N): Yep, everyone who meets Yang will have to deal with her puns.

Jack: She's not even punny.

(Y/N): Say, I wonder if-

You saw Rarity getting along with Weiss.

(Y/N): About time she met the real deal. I hope little Weiss is okay.

Jack: She might be.

Another photo was actually Spike hanging out with his brethren!

Jack: Awww! Spike's holding Kanna in his arms! So cute!

(Y/N): He's an uncle now! And he's with his kind. His brother and sisters.

Jack: Yeah, crazy Tohru, perky and oblivious Lucoa, childish Illulu, stoic and grumpy Fafnir, and gluttonous Elma.

(Y/N): Ain't it beautiful?

Then Starlight came out!

Starlight: Man, (Y/N), I like her. Your first wife.

(Y/N): Medaka? Oh yeah, she loves helping people. It's her main goal in life. She believes everyone deserves a second chance.

Starlight: Though she likes showing off ... too much.

Medaka then shows up.

Medaka: Hi (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hi Medaka! So, you decided to help Starlight out with her issues?

Medaka: Of course. I am a natural. Ms. Glimmer. If there's anyone in my student council who is having a sick day, you could fill in as a temporary substitute. Probably as secretary or treasurer.

(Y/N): Good. I hope she doesn't become Kumagawa's substitute. Ugh.

Well, life was getting interesting once again in the (L/N) Household!

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