Weil's True Ambitions!

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Weil: Hear me, citizens of the great land of Neo Arcadia... I must inform you of sorrowful news. Just now... Our hero Master X was taken by bloodthirsty extremists, and he has sadly passed away... So, in accordance with Ordinance #8, I, Dr. Weil, will become your new leader... It is time to put a stop to these extremists! ... Thank you all. I have just confirmed your approval. I will have to ask you all to do a number of things... Neo Arcadia cannot know true peace until the extremists are eradicated! Let us fight together, until they are wiped out! He... Hehehehe... Heheheheheee... Bwahahahahah!

The Transmission then ends. 

(Y/N): That bastard. He set all of this up just so he could become ruler! 

X: Hello (Y/N). It's been a long time. 

(Y/N): X. So, this is what happened to you. I must say, you look wiser. 

X: Thank you. But right now, the time for complimenting appearances is past. 

(Y/N): Agreed. Weil has to be stopped. 

X: Yes. And, by the way, Zero. It's the heart that counts, not the body. 

X flies away, leaving both of you in confusion. 

Zero: What does he mean by that? 

(Y/N): Beats me. 

And then... 

You and Zero return to the Resistance Base. 

Ciel: Welcome back (Y/N), and Zero. So, this is what it's come to? 

(Y/N): I guess so. Weil is now the ruler of Neo Arcadia. He set all of us up. I think the message, got me to come over. He wanted me to kill Copy X so that he could take his place. DAMN THAT GEEZER!! 

Zero: Those humans haven't been told a thing... No, that's not it. They haven't tried to learn a thing...

Ciel: Lives with plenty of food and comfort... People have stopped bothering to think with their heads... There may still be some people who want to do something. If we could somehow let those kinds of people know what Dr. Weil is really thinking... We might be able to change Neo Arcadia.

Operator 2: But we don't know a single thing about him. 

Operator: (Y/N), Zero, if you two could find out some information about Weil, we might be able to analyze it to determine where he is presently, and what he's been doing until now.

(Y/N): Good! Just let us know what missions we got, and we'll go! We should be able to take out the rest of his commanding officers. 

Operator 2: First we found out about an energy plant. It is currently shut down. What is so important that they had to shut down the plant in the middle of an energy crisis? The place was shut down around the time Weil appeared, so it bears investigation. Can you investigate?

Zero: Understood. Transfer us. 

(Y/N): We'll be back! 

Ciel: Good luck you two. 


And so... 

You and Zero arrive at the Energy Facility!

The place was dark, and you both had to activate generators with lightning abilities! 

(Y/N): Man, I bet Hellbat Schilt would have loved this place. 

Zero: Reminiscing about past missions? 

(Y/N): It helps to focus. 

After enough moving about, you both find a big machine behind a door. 

(Y/N): That's a big machine. 

Zero: The question is, what is it used for? 

???: You weren't supposed to be here. 

Another of the Eight Gentle Judges appears. 

Cubit Foxtar (One of Weil's Commanders! She was once a strict and kind girl, before Weil modified her! Now she is very cruel and bitchy! Has the power of fire, and can summon will-o-wisps!) 

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Cubit Foxtar (One of Weil's Commanders! She was once a strict and kind girl, before Weil modified her! Now she is very cruel and bitchy! Has the power of fire, and can summon will-o-wisps!) 

Foxtar: This is a Dark Elf copy factory. We've got copies of the Dark Elf sleeping here. In other words, Baby Elves. We had the factory sealed off so nobody'd get suspicious. Now you've done it! I'll have to ensure you remain silent about this... ... Forever!

She goes into her battle armor. 

Foxtar: I am Cubit Foxtar of Weil's Numbers! I'll make sure the two of you never talk again! 

She begins to summon several flames behind her and throws them at you guys, but then you attempt to punch her stomach, and she jumps quickly to avoid. 

Then she turns herself into dancing flames. 

Zero moves in and does a quick attack with his sword as she reforms, and you get an idea! 

(Y/N): Hold her in place Zero! I GOT A- CHIDORI!!!

You use the stabbing attack to pierce her. 

Foxtar: If I am defeated, this room will cease functioning, and the copies will all die... There will be no proof. Nobody will know the truth. And anyway... We don't actually need the Baby Elves. The Dark Elf alone will be enough to take care of the Reploids... I can already see it... The shining future, the new world Lord Weil is about to create... And I see... you, wallowing in the depths of despair! Teeheeheeeeee!

She then dies. 

(Y/N): Damn. I swear, Weil's minions are really creepy sometimes. That Mantis one especially. 

Zero: You get used to it. Let's head back. 

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