Sinnoh's New Champion!!

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All the badges were collected, and all that was left to do was to go and challenge the Elite Four and Cynthia, the Champion at the Pokemon League!!

(Y/N): I'm going in!

Team (Y/N): Good luck Best Buddy/Babe!

(Y/N): Heh, I'm ready!

First Opponent: Aaron...


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(Y/N): Okay, Aaron, bring it!!

Aaron: Let's see how you do against my Bug Types! All of them have been trained to handle every situation, so get ready!!

He throws out a Szicor!

(Y/N): Szicor? Say hello to Infernape!

Infernape: BRING IT BUG BOY!!

He starts beating up Szicor!

Aaron: WOAH! Your Infernape has-

(Y/N): I'll calm him down! Hey! Easy!

Infernape: S-Sorry.

Szicor was still unconscious though!

Aaron: I still have more where that came from say hello to Heracross!

(Y/N): Okay Infernape, use Flame Wheel!

Infernape: WOOOOO!!!

Aaron: Heracross use Megahorn!

Heracross charges in, but Infernape uses its feet to grab the horn and then do a suplex!

Aaron: Wow! That's a good one!! Oh crap! Heracross!

Heracross was down!!

Aaron then sends out another Pokémon!

Aaron: Go Drapion! This is my best one, so get ready!

Drapion prepares to use Cross Poison, but Infernape dodged and used Fire Blast!

Drapion takes the hit and stands straight ready to attack with X-Scissor!

Infernape takes some damage, but then does a Fire Punch and knocks out Drapion!

Aaron: Good game. Well, you still got to beat my comrades. Heh, and if I were you, I'd fear Bertha.

Opponent 2: Bertha...

Opponent 2: Bertha

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