Preparations Complete!!

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AJ was seen giving a stern talking to her sister, and her friends!

CMC (A trio of Freshmen from Canterlot High! They are Scoots, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle, the little sisters of Rainbow Dash, AJ, and Rarity! They tend to cause mischief, but are good kids at heart!)

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CMC (A trio of Freshmen from Canterlot High! They are Scoots, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle, the little sisters of Rainbow Dash, AJ, and Rarity! They tend to cause mischief, but are good kids at heart!)

AJ: Look you three, this isn't the type of adventure for you to go on. It's really dangerous.

Apple Bloom: But there's nothing for us to-

AJ: You could always help Wendy take care of (Y/N)'s daughters, or just spend time with Mrs. (L/N).

Sweetie Belle: She is a nice lady.

Scoots: Really nice lady.

Apple Bloom: Okay, whatever you say Sis.

AJ: Good! See ya!

On another hand...

Starlight: So, that's what we're up against now? Oh boy.

She looks at her smartphone and sees a text from Trixie.

Starlight: It'll have to be for later Trixie. This is really really urgent.

Back at home... Team Genius' Lab...

(Y/N): You up for this?

Jack: Of course. Someone's got to make sure you don't go Vasto Lorde Hollow again.

(Y/N): Right. Thanks, Bro!

Jack: No problem.

Sci-Twi: We'll keep up with the comms! Ciel, Hatsume?

Ciel and Hatsume: Reporting for duty!

Sci-Twi: You guys should be ready to-

(Y/N): Hang on, we're still missing Silver and Bla-

Silver and Blaze then arrive.

Silver: Sorry we're late you guys.

Rainbow: About time you got here! For a guy with powerful telekinesis, and from the future, you're sure slow.

Blaze: Sorry, you'll need to excuse Silver, he's not the brightest bulb in the shed.

Silver: BLAZE!!!

Shadow: Heh, he's got you beat Silver, you've got the intelligence of a preschooler at nighttime.

Silver: Why don't you learn to shut up for once Shadow?

Twilight: This is our team? Most of them are crazy.

Sunset: Yeah, I have to agree. Especially with the echidna.


Rarity and Rouge: You're so angry all the time.

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