Accepted!/Saving Nature!!

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You guys return to the base. 

(Y/N): Say, where's Neige? 

Ciel: She went back to the Settlement to tell everyone thanks.

Zero: Right. 

Ciel: Say, did we really help them? 

(Y/N): We sure did. But we still got to take care of the other Einherjar. 

Though you decided to talk to the members of the Settlement... 

Tornado: Hey, (Y/N). Neige wasn't a traitor... She was probably the one that believed in us the most. I'm sorry for all of the terrible things I said about her. And I'm sorry for all the horrible things I said about you guys too. 

(Y/N): It's alright Tornado. 

You also run into Neige. 

She hugs you. 

Neige: Thanks for the help (Y/N). I just wanted to tell you that again. ... I never would've thought the Reploid and human that defeated our leader would be the one to save us... I committed one of the gravest sins a journalist can commit... I based all of my opinions on the information and rumors from the government without looking into the facts for myself... Some journalist...

(Y/N): It's alright. 

Typhon: Mister! You did it! I knew you would save Neige!

Finally, you run into Rafale! 

Rafale: I'm sorry about what I said about you guys before. I guess, you're not bad for working with Reploids. And thanks for helping Neige. 

(Y/N): No problem. 

You smiled. The Settlement were finally supporting you guys. 

(Y/N): Everyone, don't worry, Zero, Harpui, Fefnir, Leviathan and I will deal with the rest of the Einherjar as well as Craft and Weil. 

They all cheer and begin rooting for you guys. 

Back at the Command Center... 

Operator: Here are the last 4 missions. 1: I'm reading an abnormal spike in the heat signature at point A-2. It seems as if Weil has taken over an artificial sun, originally designed for weather control, and has modified it to overheat. The extreme heat has dried out the area, making it a desert. The desertification is spreading towards Area Zero, so stop that sun before it's too late. 2: I've detected a large magnetic flux at point B-1. The electromagnetic pulses are generating a lot of noise and it's spreading. There's a good chance the noise could interfere with the operation of the environmental control systems in Area Zero. Infiltrate and put a stop to that device. 3: I received a report that the giant drill sub is currently patrolling the bottom of the sea. Explosives are packed on board, so I believe they are going to drill into the earth and detonate the sub. By breaking up a tectonic plate, they may start an earthquake of catastrophic proportions. Stop the drill sub before it reaches its destination. 4:  I've discovered the ruins of what used to be a great city a century ago. It looks to be a fully functional city, but I detect no signs of life. The security system has been hijacked by a virus. It would appear the security system is growing and attacking anything in sight. Put a stop to the city's ambitious expansion plans.

(Y/N): Okay then. Harpuia, you'll stop that artificial sun. Leviathan, you should go and destroy that device at point B-1. Fefnir, you'll stop the Drill Sub, and Zero and I will shut down the security system before that virus spreads. 

Operator: Well said. 

Harpuia: I'll make sure that I go through with it. 

Fefnir: I'll stop that sub! 

Leviathan: Lightning is never a problem for me! 

Zero: Then let's finish this! 

And so... 

Harpuia finds himself scaling a giant wall!

Harpuia: I won't let the heat get to me. No matter what. 

Though as he thoughts it out, and finds the generators to destroy, he notices Sol Titanion! 

Titanion: Huh? Hahaha! You must be quiet fired up to get this far. But you're not fired up for me. I want to see you sweat! I want to see tears! I love making guys like you into charcoal! Now it's time for you to burn! 

With Leviathan... 

Leviathan: This shouldn't take too long. 

She starts moving around, using the magnet changers to reach Mino Magnus!

Magnus: ROAR! You ... have ... finally ... come. I won't...let... you...stop... Ragnarok! I am...the... great...Mino... Magnus! I...will...crush... you...and then... Uhm...

Leviathan: Enough. Let's go! 

Magnus: ROAR!!

With Fefnir... 

Fefnir goes deep down, and enters the sub, taking out any enemies, and fighting an ice dragon!! 

Fefnir: That wasn't so hard!! Now, I'll just- 

Tech Kraken soon appears. 

Kraken: Fefnir of the Four Guardians. 

Fefnir: Kraken. 

Kraken: It's been a while. 

Fefnir: I'm sorry about Phantom. 

Kraken: Zero was responsible. And yet he was your comrade. 

Fefnir: I'll make sure you join him soon. 

With you and Zero...

Both you and Zero travel through the deep city, and dodge any security systems that are searching for you guys! 

And at the end, you guys see Popla Cocapetri! 

Cocapetri: Kya! I've been waiting for you (Y/N)! ou made a fool of me the last time we met! But I assure you it won't happen again! I am Cocapetri, of the Einherjar eight warriors! We will see Ragnarok through! Kyakya!

(Y/N): You're the one in charge here? 

Cocapetri: Kyakya! Surprised? It's all thanks to Lord Weil's virus program! It takes care of intruders without me lifting a finger!

(Y/N): Pbth. You really can't do anything on your own. 


You just go to him, and- 

(Y/N): Hakai.

Cocapetri: AGH! 

You erase him from existence. 

Zero: There really was no point in fighting him, huh? 

(Y/N): Nope. Besides, Harpuia, Fefnir, and Leviathan should be finished right about-

You get contacted. 

Harpuia, Fefnir, and Leviathan: We're done here. 

Harpuia shows Titanion cut in half, Fefnir shows a downed Kraken, and Levithan showed a frozen Magnus. 

(Y/N): And with that, the Einherjar are no more. Let's go back to base!

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