Fight at Mt. Hakurei!

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Not from far away, 1 figure was caught up in a fight with one of the Band of Seven!

Sesshomaru (Inuyasha's Older Brother! He is a full demon, born of two demons! He was at first trying to kill Inuyasha to get Tessaiga, but he's mellowed out after looking after a human girl named Rin! Travels with his dragon yokai, Ah-Un, his serv...

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Sesshomaru (Inuyasha's Older Brother! He is a full demon, born of two demons! He was at first trying to kill Inuyasha to get Tessaiga, but he's mellowed out after looking after a human girl named Rin! Travels with his dragon yokai, Ah-Un, his servant, Jaken, and Rin!)

Sesshomaru: You call yourself a warrior?

Kyokotsu (Weakest member of the Band of 7! He gets strong by devouring demons!!)

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Kyokotsu (Weakest member of the Band of 7! He gets strong by devouring demons!!)

Kyokotsu: DAMN YOU!!!! How can you be this powerful?!

Sesshomaru: It's not me. It's the fact that you rely on fake power. I won't let someone of your strength stand in my way.

He takes out his sword, Tensaiga and swings it at Kyokotsu, sending his head flying in another direction!

Sesshomaru: I can sense him. Jakken, Rin. We're leaving.

???: Ah! Lord Sesshomaru! You've done it!!! HAHAHAHAHA!

???2: Is the bad man gone Lord Sesshomaru?

Sesshomaru: Yes. You won't have to worry Rin.

Jakken (Sesshomaru's demon servant! He's a massive butt monkey but is very loyal to his master!)

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Jakken (Sesshomaru's demon servant! He's a massive butt monkey but is very loyal to his master!)

Rin (This little girl was taken in by Sesshomaru after her family was killed! She's the one thing he seems to have a close attachment too! Will always be there to bring her master to his senses!)

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Rin (This little girl was taken in by Sesshomaru after her family was killed! She's the one thing he seems to have a close attachment too! Will always be there to bring her master to his senses!)

Rin: Where are we off to? I'll go get Ah and Un.

Sesshomaru: Mount Hakurei. Don't fall behind.

Rin: Okay!


Back with you guys...

You guys soon reach Mt. Hakurei.

(Y/N): Come on. We have to be careful. We could get ambushed b-

A giant storm of winds begin to blow!

???: Going somewhere?

Kagura arrives.

Inuyasha: Kagura!

(Y/N): Another spawn of Naraku? She's kind of cute!

Kagura: Flattery will get you nowhere. But, .... Thanks.

Sango: (Y/N) can charm Kagura?

Jack: He charms all the girls. He's better than Miroku.

Miroku: I heard that you know.

???: Just give up.

Kanna also shows up.

Kanna: You won't reach Naraku.

Kagome: Kanna!

(Y/N): THAT'S HER! She's the one who brought us here!!!

Jack: So, this was all planned! But you made one mistake! Making us meet Inuyasha, Kagome and the others!!!

Kagura: Then taste death! DANCE OF BLADES!!

She sends a powerful burst of waves, but then-


You disperse the waves, and Kagura is blown back!

(Y/N): Sorry, but you're not going to win!

Kanna then holds out her mirror and summons the Mirror Demon which creates the Tessaiga!

Inuyasha: I hate that thing!

Jack: Hang on! Watch this! HEY LITTLE GIRL!! HAVE A RASENGAN!!

He blows apart the mirror demon!

Kanna: What?

Kagura catches Kanna.

Kagura: They're stronger than we think!

Shippo: YEAH! You better be scared!! YOU'RE IN F- AAAAAAAAAGH!

Miroku: Shippo? Why- Oh no.

Sango: Agh!

Kagome: It's him!

Inuyasha: NARAKU!!

(Y/N): And Madara too!

Naraku: Kagura, Kanna, you've both served your purpose!

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Naraku: Kagura, Kanna, you've both served your purpose!

He prepares to finish them, but-

You stab him!

(Y/N): Okay asshole! I'm not letting some Aizen knock off get away with hurting his subordinates!Hey Inuyasha!

Inuyasha: Right!

You and Inuyasha begin to attack Naraku, and Jack orders everyone to help him!

Jack: Guys! Careful! Madara is tough! He can take on armies by himself!

Kagome: Not unless we all pitch in!

Jack: Then let's do this!!

All do you got ready to finish these bastards!!!

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