Family Shopping!!

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Christmas Shopping, it's always a joyous time! And boy oh boy, it was even better to do it with family! Especially when that family includes-

Ren: Big Brother! Look at this Make up Kit!

Ran: Big Brother! Look at this hover bike!!

Your Sisters!

And not just Ren and Ran!

Karin: Hey Ichigo! Don't slag behind! You promised to get me some new Soccer clothes!

Yuzu: COME ON BIG BROTHER! There's a big sale over there! I saw some cute bows!

Ichigo: Yeah, I'm coming!

Oh, and Jack also brought Orihime!

Orihime: Hey Big Brother, you were going to get some cookbooks for me right?

Jack: Anything for my favorite baby sister in the whole world!

Orihime: But I'm your only sister.

Jack: And that's why no one can replace such a precious Angel!

She blushed and giggled.

(Y/N): Ah, this is why I love being a big brother!

Ichigo: (Sigh) I do admit, there's a joy to bring to a little sister's face, and-


Ichigo: Where?! OH THAT'S NOT FUNNY!

Jack: Sorry, that kind of thing usually happens when you say that.

Ichigo: I'm still not laughing.

(Y/N): Ha! I thought it was a good joke and-

You three then spit Rukia, who was trying hard to look for something.

Rukia: Ah, (Y/N), Jackson, Ichigo, just the boys I wanted to see.

(Y/N): Rukia, what are you doing?

Rukia: I'm looking for something to buy for my brother.

Jack: Sheesh, you know Byakuya is kind of a hard to please guy. He hardly smiles.

Ichigo: I never saw Byakuya smile.

(Y/N): Oh, he can form one. It's just hard for him too. He's one of the most stoic people I know. And that's saying something, considering his fellow captains include short tempered Soi Fon, Scary Unohana, Kind and Loyal Komamura, Lazy Shinsui, Serious and Short Toshiro, and well Psychotics Kenpachi and Mayuri.

Rukia: I had a lot of time to think about it. So, first I got advice from my fellow Squad 13 colleagues.

(Y/N): By which you mean Sentaro and Kiyone, and they started to get into an argument and beat each other up.

Rukia: Yes, then I went to go and ask Renji. And yet he's having a hard time deciding.

Ichigo: What did you expect? Renji's such a kiss up to his superior.

Rukia kicks him in the face.

Rukia: (agitated) Mind repeating that?

(Y/N): So, then what?

Rukia: I wrote down things to give him.

She shows a crude drawing of all her gift choices.

Ichigo: I can't even tell what you drew th-

She kicks him again.

(Y/N) and Jack: God, his humility skills are as bad as Ranma and Inuyasha's!

(Y/N): Couldn't you just write him a card? Or .... Something related to that little character he makes? Seaweed ambassador?

Rukia: Good idea! Oh, and I forgot to mention how I asked everyone in the Women's Association.

You then pictured Yachiru just suggesting to give him a snack, Nanao giving a lecture about the perfect gift, Soi Fon saying it comes from the heart while she goes around and praises about her gifts to Yoruichi, Momo, Unohana, and Isane actually being helpful, Nemu making a crude statement, and Rangiku saying to just shop for a lot of things and pick the best one!

(Y/N): Yeah, just pick something from the heart. It's the kind of advice that both me and surprisingly Soi Fon would give.

Rukia: AHA! I think I got it!

She bought a fancy scarf for him.

Jack: Simple is the best.

Sisters: BIG BROTHER!!!

(Y/N), Jack, and Ichigo: Hang on! We're coming!!

Rukia: Heh, they're lucky. Now they have to give them gifts. I wonder what Big Brother got me.


She literally died of cuteness overload as Byakuya gave her a big stuffed rabbit.

Byakuya: Merry Christmas, Rukia.


She hugs it and smiled.

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