Another Pokemon Adventure?!

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As you are seen doing another workout, it's all of course for training purposes, you overhear something!

(Y/N): What's that?

Going out of the training room, leads you to notice something pretty shocking!!


The shy animal lover comes out.

Fluttershy: Uh ... hi. Hehehehehe.

(Y/N): Why is there a Gyarados, HERE?!

Fluttershy: Well ... you see. I just love Pokémon. I want to take care of all these fascinating creatures. Besides, I just wanted to help this poor Magikarp. I gave him so much love that he turned into Gyarados.

(Y/N): Oh, for a second, I thought that was Misty's!

Fluttershy: Oh, Misty is actually doing something else.

Another explosion was heard...

Outside you see Misty, May, and Dawn all covered in soot.

(Y/N): Oh boy. Girls.

Misty: Hey, Babe.

May: Hi (Y/N)!!!

Dawn: HI HONEY!!!

(Y/N): What kind of nonsense was this?

Dawn: It was my idea that we have a threeway battle. And then I guess Parachisu got out of hand.

(Y/N): Right, and why did you use Psyduck, Misty?

Misty: Because he's the one who popped out first!

(Y/N): Right.

May: Hey, we can't help it when we're bored.

(Y/N): Fine! I guess we'll go to another region, fight a criminal organization, I become champion. As usual.

Girls: Oh, really?

(Y/N): But first, I have to ask if-

Fluttershy: Oh! Are we really going to catch Pokémon?!

(Y/N): Yeah that was the plan.

And so...

You all appear in the first area!

(Y/N): Okay! I'm ready for a new adventure! All we got to do is meet the Professor!


You're knocked into a nearby fountain!!

???: Oh! I'm so sorry!

Girls: Agh! (Y/N)!!

Bianca (Assistant to Professor Juniper! She's very very clumsy!)

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Bianca (Assistant to Professor Juniper! She's very very clumsy!)

(Y/N): Man, you're clumsy.

Bianca: I'm so sorry! Please, I- oh! Are you a new trainer? I'm supposed to hand out the starters to anyone who's about to start their adventure! Here!

She brings out a container with three Pokeballs!

(Y/N): I ... choose ... Oshawott!

Bianca: Good choice!

Fluttershy: Oh, do you think I could have the Snivy? I love Snivy! I just love collecting Pokémon!

Bianca: Oh boy. Okay. Anyone want Tepig then?

Everyone: Uh ... we're good.

Bianca: Okay! I have to find the Professor now! Well, good luck. You should probably start here. There's a gym not too far.

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