(Y/N) and Jack Shot Back!!

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You and Jack are on top of the mansion looking a far. 

(Y/N): Man, I can't believe December is getting close. 

Jack: Just think, Christmas is going to be big with everyone we've met so far. So much to do in December, and then more people for us to meet, and then Summer will come again! Summer Sagas are always a blast! 

(Y/N): Yeah, and then we'll be in the university days of our lives at Star Academy, and then teachers, and maybe Glynda will make me Headmaster. (Sigh) Bro. 

Jack: What? What's up? 

(Y/N): What if I become evil? I mean, do you think you'll have the strength to finish me? 

Jack: You getting sentimental on me, Buddy? 

(Y/N): I'm just saying. I mean, how do you think I would feel if you become evil?

Jack: Don't even joke about that!

(Y/N): S-Sorry. (Sigh) Jack. If I ever stray from who I am. If I ever change into something I don't want to be. It's up to you. I entrust you to do it.

Jack: Dude, you can't be serious. I-

(Y/N): Trust me. Please. 

He puts his hand on your shoulder. 

Jack: I'll make sure that never happens, but if it does, I will. 

(Y/N): Great! N- 

You then hear a noise from a far. 

(Y/N): I say we move. 

Jack: What the? That's not a Hollow! But it's a demonic presence!!! 

(Y/N): Then let's get moving! HERE WE GO!! 

Both of you move into New Tokyo as a demon is seen causing massive destruction. 

The demon looked like it had something coming out of it's head! It was the fragment of some jewel! 

Jack: I think I see it's weakspot! HA!! 

He swings his zanpakuto at the beast, though it seems to get really pissed at the fact that Jack tried to reach for the jewel shard. 

(Y/N): Buddy! 

You block the attack and then slash with Enma, gravely injuring the fiend! 

The demon, which looked like some kind of oni then started to flee! 



The monster headed for what seemed to be a temple!!

And then it jumped into a well. 

Jack: Did it just go down there? 

(Y/N): Wherever it is we have to hurry or else, it could come back with more of it's pals! 

???: You got close. 

Images of a young girl with white hair appeared. 

(Y/N): What the?! Little girl?! LITTLE GIRL! HANG ON!! I'LL SAVE YOU!!! 

Jack: Bro! What are you talking about?! I don't s- 

He then felt something was off and tried to pull you back, but your need to save a young girl forced you in, and Jack got dragged inside too!! 



You crawl out, and feel that the streets are ... earth ground? 

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