Let's get Hunting!!

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The portal definitely brought you guys to where Eggman and Wily had most of their men stationed.

Twilight: Okay, Tails and I made a little gadget to help us out, it's an Emerald Detector.

Tails: And it has a functioning AI!

Sonic: Neat! So what does it sound like?

???: Oh please, I would sound much more refined than you.

Twilight: Yeah, he's kind of a little pompous.

Detector: Like there is no one else like that. Well anyway, the two bozo scientists have amassed themselves an Empire. Due to most of you, mainly the echidna.

Knuckles looked like he was going to snap.

AJ: Let it to Knux.

Knuckles: I am calm, and joyful!

Then a bird poops on him.

Knuckles: That didn't prove anything.

Sonic and Rainbow were about to say something, but you glared at them.

Sonic and Rainbow: We'll shut up.

(Y/N): Thank you.

Detector: Well, I would recommend that most of you split up, though their (sigh) Skull Egg Bosses are not to be underestimated. Especially since one may be a bird brain with an armada, and we also have an evil doppelgänger of the blue porcupine over there.


Detector: Whatever. You might as well get moving.

And so everyone did...

Your group, (You, Jack, Sonic, Rainbow, Tails, and Twilight) end up searching in a region that is quite similar to Asia.

(Y/N): Okay, as long as we don't run into any problems, then-

A giant Japanese Castle, lay in front of you guys.

Sonic: Okay, this looks like fun!

Rainbow: Yeah! Let's burst through-

Tails and Twilight: Oh no you don't!

They grabbed both speedsters.

Tails: We need to come up with a plan of attack.

Jack: I for one remember in classes on how most of these were designed. Primarily after (Y/N) and I came back from the Sengoku Period!

(Y/N): Yeah. Good times. The bottom is an obvious entrance.

Tails: Oh, good deduction!

Rainbow: Alright fine. Maybe we can swim through the moat an-

Sonic: NO! I'm not going in the water!

Rainbow: Got anything better to think of Blue?

Sonic: Not so much.

Rainbow: Then swimming we go!


(Y/N) and Jack: Just go.

Meanwhile inside...

The Skull Egg Boss, Conquering Storm began to sense that the group was getting in.

Conquering Storm: So, they're already here? I can't leave the emerald unguarded. So there's only one thing left. Shadow Man, Yamato Man, make sure they don't reach my chamber. Take any of the ninjas that you need. But don't fail.

Both Shadow Man and Yamato Man bowed.

Shadow Man and Yamato Man: Of course, Mistress.

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