Sibling Bout!

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When trekking through Bakunawa, you come across Corazon!

(Y/N): Corazon!

Carol happened to be with you at this moment!

Carol: Cory!

Corazon: You shouldn't have come here Carol!

Merga and Azad's voices rung out through the ship.

Merga: Corazon. Deal with them.

Corazon: NO! That wasn't part of the deal! I'm not hurting Carol or her boyfriend!

(Y/N) and Carol: (blushing) HEY!! WE'RE NOT DATING!!

Azad: Corazon, I will have you thrown off Bakunawa along with your sister if you don't get her under control! Believe me. I don't want that.

(Y/N): Of course not, that would be like you killing your sister.

As they disappeared, Corazon sighed.


She starts attacking and you begin blocking!

(Y/N): Sorry!! Bad Company!!!

You bring out the soldiers along with helicopters!

(Y/N): Ready! Aim! Fire!!!

They begin shooting as Corazon starts feeling the pain!

Corazon: AAGH! Damn!!

She brings out her gun and begins firing!!

Carol moves out of the way and scratches at her sister!

Carol: Cory! Stop! I'm not going to hurt you!!!

Corazon: Then you should have stayed away!

She kicks her!

(Y/N): Oh no you don't! Beach Boy!

You bring out a fishing rod and have it connect to Corazon's hand!

Cory: What?! AAAAGH!

She tries to shoot it, but she gets hurt!

(Y/N): Sorry, whoever attacks Beach Boy's line will have the damage reflected back to whoever is connected to it!

Corazon: Damn it!

You then slam her down over and over again!

(Y/N): Okay, you going to surrender yet?

Corazon: Ugh. I just wanted to help Carol.

(Y/N): You knew?

Corazon: Yeah. Azad and Merga are going to destroy the moon and that will destroy Avalice.

Carol: THEN WHY?? WHY WORK FOR THEM?! Azad is going to do it himself and betray Merga!

Corazon: He promised, he promised to let us live.

(Y/N): News Flash: He always lies! He knows Carol is friends with Lilac! I mean he hates Dragon Lovers too! So, he's going to kill both of you!

Carol: And besides, the Cory I know isn't a coward! I'd go down fighting with my friends than stand by and let the planet get destroyed!

Corazon: Heh, you always were the blunt one.

But then she feels a sword hit her chest!

Carol and (Y/N): CORY!!!/CORAZON!!!!

She falls down coughing up blood!

Azad stands there laughing!

Azad: This is what you idiots get for loving those monstrous freaks!


Play from 0:02-0:09...

Azad: I'd say you should focus on saving your sister.

He opens the door.

(Y/N): Why?

Azad: I guess I just wanted to make her upset. But, I'm a fair man when it comes to letting someone's sister live.

(Y/N): After this, I will kill you. For real.

You and Carol leave with Corazon being carried by you.

Azad: Hmph, I doubt you will do that.

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