Pokestar Studios!

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You guys end up looking for the Boat Captain, Roxie's Dad, at Pokestar Studios, which-


(Y/N): Yeah, I admit. It looks cool!!

You guys decided to go and see a movie, it was about this hero named Riolu Kid...

Misty: Hey! How could he admit defeat like that?!

(Y/N): I know!! It's ridiculous! I could do better!! In fact-

After finishing the movie...

(Y/N): Okay! Mr. Director? I can do better!

Director: Is that so?

(Y/N): Put me in the suit, and let's do it!

And soon...

The movie turned out much better than expected!!!

(Y/N): Ha! See?!

Fluttershy: I guess it helps being a superhero in (Y/N)'s case! Tee hee.

???: That was much better than the last one! Hey kid!

(Y/N): Hello!

The ship captain comes over.

(Y/N): You're Roxie's Dad right? Nice to meet you!

Captain: Oh, I see. You were looking for me, because you need a ride to Castelia City. Say no more. I guess being a movie star is out of the question.

(Y/N): Hey, don't let that get you down! You'll be a good movie star someday! I can see it. But now, there are people out there who need to get places, and you're the only one who can help us get to Castelia!

Misty: How did he come up with that so quickly?

Hilda: Movie Magic?

Rosa: Even that sounds cheesy!

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